A Distant Dream is a Main Mission in Nioh 2. This mission is recommended for level 142, has a difficulty level of 3, and features both human and yokai enemies. A Distant Dream tasks players with ending Otakemaru once and for all. Please see Missions for other walkthroughs on other missions.
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General Info
- Previous: Dawn of the Demon
- Next:
- Recommended Lvl: 142
- Mission Lvl. Difficulty: 3
- Bosses: Otakemaru
Video Walkthrough
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(Credit to あずchannel (Youtube))
Mission Rewards
First Time Completion
- Kenmyoren (Lightning)
- Daitoren & Shotoren
- Fabled Umbracite x1
- Book of Reincarnation x1
- 79800 Gold
- 575082 Amrita
Subsequent Completion
- ??
- ?? Gold
- ?? Amrita
- Example
- Example
- Example
Equipment & Materials
- Example Armor
- Example Weapon
- Example Consumable Item
- Example Smithing Material
Soul Cores
- ??
- ??
Key Items
- Example
- Example
- Enemy Example
- Enemy Example
A Distant Dream
Mission Start Text
"I can feel it, an evil energy that grows without cease. I am afraid we are almost out of time. I am in no condition to fight - you must go alone, young one. You must face Otakemaru. It is he who stands in the way of human and yokai coexisting in peace. You must cut him down, and save this land from his cruel tyranny."
Mission End Text
"The Sohayamaru seems to be losing its luster now its purpose has been fulfilled. As its light fades, I hear the faint voice of Suzuka...
"You have slayed the fiend, young one. You will forever be remembered as the champion who saved this nation, and as the origin of the samurai ideal. Perhaps we will meet again someday...should the flow of time permit it."
Having taken up the Sohayamaru and realized my destiny, my long journey had finally come to an end. "
Kodama Locations
- After getting down the stairs left of the first Shrine, turn right, between the stairs and the bony path. Follow this path to the end and the Kodama will be behind a rock.
- From the entrance of the cave next to where you fight the Kinki, turn right inside the cave to find the Kodama at the end of a path, next to rocks and roots.
- After opening the gate where you fight the Kinki, turn left before going up the stairs to find the Kodama next to some bones.
- After the second Shrine, when you reach the wooden structure, go up the ladder and turn left. The Kodama will be behind the opened chest next to a wooden pillar.
- After killing the Ippon-Datara and before reaching the Kiryoki, turn left and go up the roots to find the Kodama at the end of this path.
- After the fifth Kodama, enter the Dark Realm, and immediately turn left. The Kodama is hidden behind the wooden pillar.
- After the fight with Suiki, go straight through the elevator and fall on the platform behind it. At the end of this path, look left to find the Kodama.
- From the Spa, turn left and follow this path to find the Kodama at the end.
- From the fourth Shrine, go straight toward the yellow flowers and turn right as you reach them to find the Kodama hidden behind them.
Sudama Locations
- After the second Shrine, where the Waira is patrolling, turn right and go up the path with a Gaki and Skeleton Warrior. The Sudama is at the end, on the other side of the bridge.
- At the same area where you found the fourth Kodama, go forward from the ladder to find the Sudama behind an opened chest.
- From the fourth Shrine, turn left, kill the Nure-Onna and Underworld Soldier, and stick to the right to find the Sudama behind a rock.
Scampuss Locations
- To the right of the first Spa, next to the bones.
- Behind the second Spa.
- Next to a chest and a Biwa Boku-boku, on the left tower, close to a Dark Realm.
Spa Locations
- Take the path to the right, next to a house before the fight with a Kinki, kill the Bakegani and turn right, towards 2 Gaki. Follow this path to find the Spa next to a cliff.
- After the fight with Suiki, go straight through the elevator and fall on the platform behind it. At the end of this path, look down to see the Spa with an Underworld Soldier bathing in it.
Locks Locations
- Ninja's Locks: Inside the cave you enter either from a hole on the ground or from the area where you fight a Kinki, in the cell with one item, there's a Nurikabe. Go through it and open the chest there for the Ninja's Locks.
- Onmyo Mage's Locks: After getting the Prison Key from a Nuppeppo responsible for a Dark Realm, open the cell to the right and open the chest for the Onmyo Mage's Locks.
A Distant Dream Walkthrough
Activate the first Shrine, grab the item to the right, and follow the path left, sticking to the left to fall to a platform for an item. Grab another item next to the water and enter the cave on the left for an item guarded by an Yoki. Now go to the small path between the stairs and the bony path in the middle to to find the first Kodama of this mission behind the rock. Go to the path following the bones on the ground, grab the item to the left and kill the Underworld Soldier. Go up the steps and kill the Gaki, Bakegani and Yoki there. Close to the next stairs will be a Dweller and following this wooden bridge you will find a Red Kappa and an item to the right. Grab the item to the right, and follow the path to reach a house. Get in, kill the Underworld Soldier there, grab the chest and the item behind the house and as you leave the house, grab the item on the path in the middle but don’t follow though it. Instead, turn right and go up to the right of the house. A Bakegani will show up in the middle of the path. Go all the way up, kill the Waira, grab the item and keep going all the way to find a Dweller. Fall to the platform bellow, grab the item, fall to the next and go straight to find 2 Gaki guarding an item. Keep following this path to find a Spa, and to the right of it, a Scampuss and an item. Go right, drop the tree for a shortcut but don’t go through it. Instead, turn right, kill the Bakegani in the mist and follow this path up for an item. Go all the way to find a hole you can fall into. Grab the item there and speak to the first Mujina of this mission. Open the door to the left for 2 items guarded by 2 Skeleton Warrior, and open the door to the right for an item and pass through the Nurikabe at the end of this room to find a chest with the Ninja's Locks. Take the path to your left to find the second Kodama at the end, next to some rocks and roots. Kill the Dweller on the way, grab the item to the right and leave the cave to fight a Kinki patrolling the big area. Grab the item there and activate the lever to open the gate. As you are passing the gate, look to the right to find the third Kodama of the mission close to the bone structure. Follow the steps to reach the Second Shrine.
To the Tower and Dark Realm
Go left, kill the Harinobo that falls and take the ladder down. As you approach the Kiryoki, a Skeleton Bowman will see you. Kill them, grab the chest and go back to the Shrine, picking the path to the right now. Grab the item on the way and turn right for a path up. Kill the Skeleton Warrior and the Gaki there to find a Sudama at the end. Kill the Waira patrolling the area, grab the item, kill the Red Kappa that appears and keep going up. In this big area, go all the way to the path at the end and hit the boulder for a shortcut to the Shrine. Now, from where you came, first take a right to kill a Yoki and a Red Kappa guarding an item. As you follow this corridor, you will see a Dweller to your right and as you approach the end, a Nuppeppo will show up, with a Gaki, Kiryoki, Skeleton Warrior and Dweller in the big area, as well as a Skeleton Bowman up the stairs with an along the way and a chest at the end. Grab everything in the area and go towards the wooden structure. Grab the item to the right and go up the ladder. Look left, and go around the wooden pillar at the end to find the fourth Kodama behind the opened chest. Now, go around the open chest in front of the ladder for a Sudama, and kill the Ippon-Datara guarding a chest. Look to the right to see a Biwa Boku-boku behind the wooden pillar. Kill him and fall to kill the Underworld Soldier bellow. Kill the 2 Gaki and Konaki-Jiji on the way, grab the item, kill the Ippon-Datara on the way and turn right before you reach the Kiryoki there to find a chest. Now, go left, going up the roots to find the fifth Kodama at the end. With all that, go towards the Kiryoki, kill him and before going to the next wooden bridge, turn right for an item guarded by a Skeleton Warrior and turn left for another item, guarded by a Gaki. Enter the Dark Realm and immediately turn left for the sixth Kodama behind the wooden pillar. Kill the Konaki-Jiji, Dweller, and 2 Skeleton Warrior (a big and a small) in this area, grab the 3 items there and go down the stairs to kill a Gaki, a Skeleton Warrior and the Nuppeppo responsible for the Dark Realm and holding the Prison Key. Open the cell to the right for a chest with the Onmyo Mage's Locks and an item, and the cell to the left for the second Mujina. Follow the path to find an item and a lever to open the gate for another shortcut to the Shrine.
Third Shrine and the Two Towers – Right Side
Follow the path up to find an Underworld Soldier, kill him, turn left for an item guarded by a Dweller and 2 Skeleton Warrior, and turn right for another item, guarded by a Hellish Hag. Following this path you will find a Fuki patrolling the area. Turn right before fighting him, grab the item and keep going up. Kill the Konaki-Jiji and Skeleton Warrior on the way up, grab the item and cross the bridge there for a chest. Follow this path up to find the Third Shrine. Go up the ladder to the right, kill the 2 Gaki on the way, grab the item and go outside to the right to kill a Dweller and Skeleton Warrior there. Kill the Yoki, grab the item, kill the Skeleton Warrior and go up the ladder. To the left is a Konaki-Jiji, but for now go right, kill the Dweller and Skeleton Warrior to the right, grab the item on the chest and go down to the right for a Gaki and Skeleton Warrior guarding a chest. A Kiryoki will show up, kill him and kick the ladder for a shortcut. Now go towards the Konaki-Jiji, kill him and go outside to the left for a chest at the end, guarded by an Underworld Soldier and a Big Skeleton Warrior. Keep going up to face a Suiki and get the Agyo Key Piece.
Third Shrine and the Two Towers – Left Side
Step on the elevator and immediately go to the other side to fall on a platform. At the end, look left to find the seventh Kodama and fall down to find the second Spa, guarded by an Underworld Soldier and a Bakegani. There’s a chest opposite to the Spa and an item to the left. Now go back to the Spa, and behind it is a Scampuss and to the left of it is a path leading to the eighth Kodama of the mission. Fall in the Dark Realm there, kill the Yoki and the Hellish Hag responsible for the Dark Realm, then kill the Dweller and shoot the boulder behind the item to open a path all the way down. Go back and down the wooden structure to find a Biwa Boku-boku next to a chest and a Scampuss. Keep going down to find a Big Skeleton Warrior and a Red Kappa on the way. Fall through the hole on the floor to find a Skeleton Warrior and the Third Mujina. Open the chest and keep going forward to kill 2 Dweller and a Harinobo. Now go to the left of where you found the Mujina, kill another Skeleton Warrior, grab the item and follow this path until you reach the lever for the elevator. Since you dropped the boulder, a path to the left of it will be open, follow it to get back up where the boulder was to get the item there. Now go up, kill the Gaki there and turn left for a chest outside guarded by a Dweller and a Skeleton Warrior patroling the path. Follow this path, go up the ladder, and fight the Ongyoki for the Ungyo Key Piece. Step on the elevator and turn behind you to fall on the first platform there to find the Grilled Tang Sweet. Now, fall to the wooden structure and either go up to ride the elevator down, or simply go down to reach the Shrine.
The Golden Elevator
Open the gate and ride the elevator down to reach the fourth and last Shrine of the mission. Grab the item and go right for an item guarded by a Nure-Onna on the ceiling. Fall to the platform bellow, grab the item, kill the Skeleton Warrior to your right, grab the other item and fall to the middle area. Kill the Skeleton Warrior close to the gate and from there, go right to find a Sudama on your left, as well as a Nure-Onna and Underworld Soldier patrolling. You will find yourself close to the shrine. Now go towards the big area and as you reach the yellow flowers, turn right to find the last Kodama of the mission hidden behind the flowers. As you get close to the gate, an Itsumade will appear. Finally, open the gate to face the boss, Nightmare Bringer.
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Trivia & Notes:
Trivia and notes go here
- Anonymous
Everyone complains about the wiki but nobody is willing to maintain the wiki
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Why is the Nioh fextra so badly managed? Does this game really have so few fans that are willing to put in the effort to keep the series info up to date?
- Anonymous
So on top of the page being extremely bad to look at, it also contains a small piece of false information. Otakemaru isn't the boss of this mission nor is that version of him available to fight here therefore there shouldn't be a link to him here, nightmare bringer is the boss here (btw that page also needs fixing as it is extremely lacking)
- Anonymous
Any sample drop from the sample boss in this particular sample mission?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
My eyes didn't get cancer. They got terminal cancer from this page.
- Anonymous
What an informative page. My eyes are cleared! Now I am heading to the mission with wisdom! I always knew the final enemy of the game is Sample Content
- Anonymous
This is a great page full of highly detailed information about the final main DLC mission of the finale DLC of Nioh 2.
Splendor at its finest.
- Anonymous
Since no one did it, I tried writing the guide. Hope it helps.