A Storm in the Underworld is a Sub Mission in Nioh 2. This mission is recommended for level 138, has a difficulty level of 3, and features yokai enemies. A Storm in the Underworld tasks players with defeating Ashiya Doman and Lightning Gods of Yomi once again. This mission is unlocked after completing the main mission Palace of the Damned, and speaking with Abe no Seimei in the interim. Please see Missions for other walkthroughs on other missions.
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General Info
- Recommended Lvl: 138
- Mission Lvl. Difficulty:3
- Bosses: Ashiya Doman
Lightning Gods of Yomi
Video Walkthrough
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Mission Rewards
First Time Completion
- Onmyo Mage's Locks x1
- Random Divine Fists
- Divine Robe Scrap x1
- Sacred Brush x2
- Janomecho Guardian Spirit
- 85,000 Gold
- 152776 Amrita
Subsequent Completion
- Random Rarity Fists
- Highest Quality Leather Cord x3
- Hiehest Quality Leather Platelet x3
- 85000 Gold
- 152776 Amrita
Equipment & Materials
- Art of Combat: Luminous Blade Talisman
Soul Cores
- Lightning Gods of Yomi Soul Core
- Bakegani Soul Core
- Underworld Soldier Soul Core
- Hellish Hag Soul Core
A Storm in the Underworld
Mission Start Text
"The tremendous loathing Doman felt towards this world has festered and turned into something foul, taking physical form as an aratama. A dark shadow has fallen over us once again. It seems this creature is to be found far from the capital, in Ise, a land tied to many of hte legends of old. while we cannot be sure of its aim, leaving it unchecked is sure to bring calamity. Head for Ise, and purge the hate in Doman's heart, once and for all."
Mission End Text
"What's that you say? You were assisted by Lord Taira no Korehira? It seems that clan aspires to walk the path of righteousness. If this is true, I sense great things in store for the Taira. In any case, I must thank you for once again vanquishing Doman. There is no doubt that he was after the large store of Spirit Stones that lay dormant in Ise. Now forgive me. I must stay a while longer, for there is someone I am waiting for."
A Storm in the Underworld Walkthrough
Taira no Korehira blocks your path untill you talk to him, which will gain his aid as an ally. Your objective is to kill every enemy that spawns in.Once you reach the main area in the mission, a Hellish Hag will spawn. After 10 seconds have passed, an underworld soldier and bakegani will also spawn in. Finish the Hag quickly so you don't get ambushed from behind.
Once all of those enemies are killed, Ashiya Doma.n Spawns in. Defeating him will cause Lightning Gods of Yomi to appear. Defeating them will end the mission. If this is your first time completing it, you also gain the guardian spirit Janomecho.
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Trivia & Notes:
Trivia and notes go here