A Strong Bond

Recommended Level 99
Mission Type Online Mission
Location Shadow
Kodama ?? Kodama
Sudama ?? Sudama
Scampuss ?? Scampuss
Locks ??
Dark Realm ??
Boss ??

A Strong Bond is a Online Mission in Nioh 2. This mission is recommended for level 99, and tasks players with ?????, and features both human and yokai enemies.


Mission Text

Mission Start Text

Hanbei asked me to pass on a message to you. The truth is, a man by the name of Kuroda Kanbei is currently under suspicion of planning a revolt against Lord Nobunaga, and as a result the execution of his son Shojumaru has been called for. Hanbei came up with the idea of using a yokai that can take on a human appearance as a body double to get the young man out of this mess, but then the thing just ran off... Sorry to trouble you, but could you go after it?


Mission Complete Text

Thanks to you we managed to avoid a most unnecessary execution, Lord Nobunaga seems pleased at least, and I imagine this whole thing will reaffirm his dominance over his retainers. I shall hide Shojumaru away until such time as Kanbei's innocence is proven. I just pray that I live long enough to see that day.


A Strong Bond Enemies

  • ??
  • ??
  • ??


A Strong Bond Walkthrough

[Walkthrough goes here]


All Kodama in A Strong Bond

  1. ??
  2. ??
  3. ??


All Sudama in A Strong Bond

  1. ??
  2. ??
  3. ??


A Strong Bond Notes, Notable Loot

  • ??
  • ??
  • ??




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    • The only Mujina Chest in the whole game where the mujina attacks you regardless. I did the whistle and looked away for a moment, it attacked right off and knocked me off the cliff to my death.

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