Axe Skills |
![]() |
Number of Skills | 43 |
Axe Skills is a skill tree in Nioh 2. This skill tree focuses more on progressing the potency, mastery, and capabilities of using the Axe weapon.
How to Acquire Axe Skills
- Axe Skills are unlocked by spending Skill Points into the tree.
- Axe Skill Points are unlocked whenever you use the Axe weapon to attack and kill enemies
- Alternatively, players can consume certain items to obtain an Axe Skill Point
Nioh 2 Axe Tree
Heaven and Earth (Base)
Roar (Base)
Nioh 2 Axe Table
Name |
Skilltype |
Effects |
Skillpointcost |
Prerequisite |
Mad Spinner | Active | Spins your body and your axe. | 1 |
Mad Spinner II | Active | Gradually increases speed of your spin. | 1 | |
Heaven and Earth | Active | Follows up a Quick Attack with a jumping slice that knocks the enemy into the air, thn slams them back down to earth. (High Stance Only) Command: Triangle at end of combo |
1 |
Could Crush | Active | Follows up a Quick Attack with an upward slice. If the attack reduces an enemy's Ki to zero, it will lift them and hurl them back. (Low Stance Only) Command: Triangle button at end of combo |
1 |
Rumbling Earth | Active | Swings axe overhead then slams it to earth, creating a shockwave that damages the area. Command: Hold triangle button |
1 | |
Roar | Active | A frontal charge in full guard. (Mid Stance Only) Command: Hold X while guarding. |
1 |
Rumbling Earth II | Active | Allows you to accumulate more power thing Rumbling Earth. | 1 |
The Adamantine | Active | Increases your defense by sacrificing movement speed. Can only be used when your sword is sheathed Command: Hold R1 + Circle button. |
1 | |
Kintaro Kata I | Passive | Axe damage increased 2% against yokai. | 1 | |
Kintaro Kata II | Passive | Axe damage increased 1% against yokai. | 1 |
Kintaro Kata III | Passive | Axe damage increased 1% against yokai. | 1 |
Battle Focus | Active | Increases Ki used when dodging in exchange for decreasing Ki used when attacking. Can only be used when your sword is sheathed. | 1 | |
Rage | Active | Increases your attack strength, but also the amount of Ki used when attacking. Can only be used when your sword is sheathed. | 1 | |
Spirit Wind | Active | Swings your weapon down upon the enemy while deflecting their attack (Mid Stance Only) | 1 | |
Spinning Slide | Active | Parry the enemy's attack, moving to their side. Then, hold Triangle to release the Active Skill mapped to that button, with high power but with a shorter charge time. (Mid Stance Only) | 1 |
Earth Carver | Active | Scrapes the ground as you swing your weapon up, sending debris flying. (Low Stance Only) Command: Hold triangle button |
1 | |
Lumber Chop | Active | Focuses your strength before unleashing a powerful blow. (High Stance Only) Command: Triangle button at end of combo |
1 | |
Tri-Spark | Active | Attacks three times in a row. (Mid Stance Only) | 1 | |
Stone Mallet | Active | Rams into the enemy and sends them flying. (Mid Stance Only) | 1 | |
Bear's Bane | Active | Slams the axe deep into the earth before pulling it out and creating a shockwave that damages nearby enemies. Command: L1 + Triangle button (triangle while guarding) |
1 |
Relentless I | Passive | Maximum Ki increases by +30 when you have Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Relentless II | Passive | Maximum Ki increases by +20 when you have Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Relentless III | Passive | Maximum Ki increases by +10 when you have Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Indomitable Spirit I | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, your Ki recovery speed will be increased by 15% when you have Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Indomitable Spirit II | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, your Ki recovery speed will be increased by 10% when you have Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Indomitable Spirit III | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, your Ki recovery speed will be increased by 5% when you have Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Cornered Tiger I | Passive | When your health is below 30%, your melee damage will be increased by 15% when you have Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Cornered Tiger II | Passive | When your health is below 30%, your melee damage will be increased by 10% when you have Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Cornered Tiger III | Passive | When your health is below 30%, your melee damage will be increased by 5% when you have Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Cornered Boar I | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, the damage you receive is reduced by 15% when, you have Axe equipped as your main wearen. | 1 | |
Cornered Boar II | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, the damage you receive is reduced by 10% when you have Axe equipped as your main weapon | 1 |
Cornered Boar III | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, the damage you receive is reduced by 5% when you have Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Full Moon Kata I | Passive | While in full health, your melee damage increases by 3% when you have a Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Full Moon Kata II | Passive | While in full health, your melee damage increases by 2% when you have a Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Full Moon Kata III | Passive | While in full health, your melee damage increases by 1% when you have a Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Passage to the Afterlife I | Passive | Increases grapple damage by 4% when you base a Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Passage to the Afterlife II | Passive | Increases grapple damage by 3% when you have a Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Passage to the Afterlife III | Passive | Increases grapple damage by 2% when you have a Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Southpaw | Active | Follow up a Quick Attack by using the side of your axe to land a heavy blow on the enemy. (Mid/tow Stance Orly) Command: Triangle butto at end of combo |
1 | |
High Kick | Active | After a Quick Attack, kick your enemy into the air. | 1 |
Tidebreaker | Active | Press triangle after High Kick to bring your weapon down with a mighty swing. | 1 |
Titanic Strength | Active | Launches the enemy up before slamming them back down. | 1 | |
Shadow Strike I | Passive | Damage dealt to enemies from behind increases by 3% when you have a Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Shadow Strike II | Passive | Damage dealt to enemies from behind increases by 2% when you have a Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Shadow Strike III | Passive | Damage dealt to enemies from behind increases by 1% when you have a Axe equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Spirit Storm | Active Skill | Repel incoming attacks while sweeping your axe sideways to mow the enemy down. | Boss Skill | |
Inner Light | Mystic Art | Massively boosts the damage you deal when in the Yokai Realm. | 1 |
Intensity | Mystic Art | Massively boosts the damage you deal with an attack that reduces your Ki to zero or below. | 1 | Rampage Cleared Mission "The Unmoving Mountain" |
- Anonymous
Unlocked Spirit Storm For me I was Using Ninja Items on the Sub Mission " A Formal Match"
- Anonymous
I would like to say there is an ability called Spirit Storm. It's a parry in the far left wing that I unlocked by fighting an Axe dojo npc
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Axe skill points - doing something wrong. Have 5 skill points accumulated but can’t use any ?