Barbarian's Hatchets is one of the Hatchets in Nioh 2. This weapon works in conjunction with the Hatchet Skills skill tree. Hachet weapons scale best with the Skill stat, but also scale from Courage and Magic. So if your Build has high Skill, consider using this Weapon type.
Barbarian's Hatchets Description
A pair of hatchets used by certain villainous individual to carry out innumerable heinous crimes. This Heian period criminal was known as Hakamadare and was wanted for killing many merchants and stealing their money and goods.
It is said that the hate and despair of his victims haunt the weapons, giving the blades a demonic edge. The characters engraved on the hatchets are said to be a curse, and it is believed that even the most minor wound inflicted by these weapons will result in death.
Amrita Memories Background
- "Gimme all them valuables! I don’t give a damn who you are!"
- "Empty all them pockets! No exceptions, you hear?"
- "See this pretty blade? Any fool who fights back will get a taste of it!"
- "…Makin’ threats is a real pain… Maybe I kill ‘em firstm then take their stuff…?"
- "Oh? Fresh meat? …Well, let’s get to killin’."
Location: Where to Find Barbarian's Hatchets
- Occasionally Dropped by Otakemaru in Main Mission: In the Eye of the Beholder
- Available to be crafted once the Smithing Text: Gyosha Hand Axe is presented to the Blacksmith.
Materials Needed to Craft Barbarian's Hatchets
- Leather Cord x3
- Wood x3
- Poison Pearl x1
- Bladed Horn x1
- 5191 Gold
Barbarian's Hatchets Notes & Trivia
- See Blacksmith to understand weapon inheritance and properties.
- ??
- Anonymous
The awakening voices for this weapon are as follows: - Gimme all them valuables! I don't give a damn who you are! - Empty all them pockets! No exceptions, you hear? - See this pretty blade? Any fool who fights back will get a taste of it! - ...Makin' threats is a real pain... Maybe I kill 'em first, then take their stuff...? - Oh? Fresh meat? ...Well, let's get to killin'.
- Anonymous
Smithing Text also dropped by Enenra