Bell Ringer

active skill nioh 2 wiki guide
Skill Point Cost
Skill Type
Death for Above
Cleared Mission "The Sun Sets On Mount Tenno".

Bell Ringer is one of the Hatchet Skills in Nioh2. Bell Ringeris an active High Stance skill that allows you to thrust your hatchets directly in front of you, forcing your enemies to retreat..


Bell Ringer Description

Thrust your hatchets directly in front of you, forcing your enemies to retreat. (Mid Stance Only).
Command: triangle button at end of combo.


Builds that use Bell Ringer

  • ???


Bell Ringer Notes

  • Notes on this skill go here



Hatchet Skills
Advancing Storm  ♦  All Ablaze  ♦  Arise  ♦  Biting Hail  ♦  Boulder Breaker  ♦  Chain Hurl  ♦  Chain Hurl I  ♦  Chain Hurl II  ♦  Cornered Boar (Hatchet) I  ♦  Cornered Boar (Hatchet) II  ♦  Cornered Boar (Hatchet) III  ♦  Cornered Boar I (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Cornered Boar II (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Cornered Boar III (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Cornered Tiger (Hatchet) I  ♦  Cornered Tiger (Hatchet) II  ♦  Cornered Tiger (Hatchet) III  ♦  Cornered Tiger I (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Cornered Tiger II (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Cornered Tiger III (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Death From Above  ♦  Demon Undercut  ♦  Dragonfly  ♦  Dragonfly II  ♦  Dual Hurl  ♦  Dual Hurl - Light  ♦  Dual Hurl - Shadow  ♦  Dual Hurl: Light  ♦  Dual Hurl: Shadow  ♦  Eagle's Shadow  ♦  Full Moon Kata (Hatchet) I  ♦  Full Moon Kata (Hatchet) II  ♦  Full Moon Kata (Hatchet) III  ♦  Full Moon Kata I (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Full Moon Kata II (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Full Moon Kata III (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Greased Lightning  ♦  Heaven's Clash  ♦  Indomitable Spirit (Hatchet) I  ♦  Indomitable Spirit (Hatchet) II  ♦  Indomitable Spirit (Hatchet) III  ♦  Indomitable Spirit I (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Indomitable Spirit II (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Indomitable Spirit III (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Lethal Barrage  ♦  Lethal Barrage II  ♦  Mountain Climber  ♦  Mountain Climber II  ♦  Mountain Hawk  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife (Hatchet) I  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife (Hatchet) II  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife (Hatchet) III  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife I (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife II (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife III (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Piercing Hurl  ♦  Piercing Hurl - Light  ♦  Piercing Hurl - Shadow  ♦  Piercing Hurl: Light  ♦  Piercing Hurl: Shadow  ♦  Relentless (Hatchet) I  ♦  Relentless I (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Relentless II (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Relentless III (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Rentless II  ♦  Rentless III  ♦  Shadow Strike (Hatchet) I  ♦  Shadow Strike (Hatchet) II  ♦  Shadow Strike (Hatchet) III  ♦  Shadow Strike I (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike II (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike III (Hatchet Skills)  ♦  Spiked Wall  ♦  Spinning Crab  ♦  Tile Shaker  ♦  Wolf's Rage


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