Brilliant Strategem Set |
(2 Items) Blindness Status on Scorched Enemy (3 Items) Reduced Defense (Ranged Weapon) 50% (4 Items) Burn Accumulation (Enemy) +15% (5 Items) Melee Damage vs. Scorched Enemy +10% (5+ Items) Fire Damage +15.0% |
Brilliant Strategem is a Set in Nioh 2. The Brilliant Strategem Set provides various special benefits to players: the more pieces you equip from one set, the stronger the bonuses. Some sets are comprised of armor only, but others have armor and weapons, making for sets that have up to 7 bonuses.
In Way of the Nioh, Ethereal versions of the set will gain an additional bonus when you reach the final tier of bonuses, denoted as (X+ Items); see Set Bonuses for more details.
Brilliant Strategem Information
- Type: Medium Armor Set
- Set Requirements:
Where to find
- Drops from:
- This set of armor can be crafted after presenting the Smithing Text: Imakomei's Armor to the Blacksmith.
- Craft With:
- Example
- Example
Set Pieces
This set has 5 pieces, the armor is called "Imakomei Armor". Pieces don't have any other fixed effects.
- Imakomei's Helmet - n/a
- Imakomei's Cuirass - n/a
- Imakomei's Gauntlets - n/a
- Imakomei's Waistguard - n/a
- Imakomei's Greaves - n/a
Notes & Builds
- Builds, tips and notes go here