Cornered Tiger II (Switchglaive Skills)

Cornered Tiger II (Switchglaive Skills)
Skill Point Cost
Skill Type
Cleared Mission "The Sun Sets On Mount Tenno".
Cornered Tiger I (Switchglaive Skills)

Cornered Tiger II (Switchglaive Skills) is one of the Switchglaive Skills in Nioh2. Cornered Tiger II (Switchglaive Skills) is a Passive Skills that when your health is below 30%, your melee damage will be increased by 10% when you have a switchglaive equipped as your main weapon..


Cornered Tiger II (Switchglaive Skills) Description

When your health is below 30%, your melee damage will be increased by 10% when you have a switchglaive equipped as your main weapon.


Builds that use Cornered Tiger II (Switchglaive Skills)

  • ???


Cornered Tiger II (Switchglaive Skills) Notes

  • Notes on this skill go here



Switchglaive Skills
Armor Piercer I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Armor Piercer II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Armor Piercer III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Blinding Edge  ♦  Calamitous Blade  ♦  Celestial Retribution  ♦  Cornered Boar I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Cornered Boar II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Cornered Boar III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Cornered Tiger I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Cornered Tiger III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Divine Retribution  ♦  Empty Retribution  ♦  Focused Retribution  ♦  Full Moon Kata I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Full Moon Kata II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Full Moon Kata III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Indomitable Spirit I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Indomitable Spirit II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Indomitable Spirit III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Infinite Retribution  ♦  Infinite Retribution II  ♦  Just Reprisal  ♦  Lightning Blade  ♦  Merciful Retribution  ♦  Mind's Edge  ♦  Mortal Retribution  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Rakshasa  ♦  Relentless I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Relentless II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Relentless III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Skyward Blade  ♦  Switch Stance: Blade  ♦  Switch Stance: Edge  ♦  Switch Stance: Retribution  ♦  The Path of Three  ♦  Thin Air  ♦  Tranquil Edge  ♦  Transient Blade (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Whirling Blade


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