Demon Horde Odachi

heart-nioh-2-wiki Heart Bonus D+ Break 116
stamina-nioh-2-wiki Stamina Bonus C+ Block 30
strength-nioh-2-wiki Strength Bonus B+    

Special Effect

fixed-icon-nioh2-wiki-guideAttack Bonus (Amrita Gauge)
fixed-icon-nioh2-wiki-guideAmina Bonus (Grapple)

Demon Horde Odachi is one of the Odachis in Nioh 2. This weapon works in conjunction with the Odachi Skills skill tree. The Odachi weapon type scales very well with Strength, but also has some scaling from Stamina and Heart. So if your Build has high Strength, consider using this Weapon type.


Demon Horde Odachi Description

An odachi with demonic motifs incorporated into its design. Its ghastly appearance all who lay lay their eyes upon it, though no one knows who made it as the weapon bears no signature. The word "demon" possesses great importance for the people of japan, as shown by the number of words that contain it as a prefix. This sword will likely bestow upon its wielder a demonic power far beyond human understading

Location: Where to Find Demon Horde Odachi

  • Dropped by: ??
  • Dropped by: ??


Materials Needed to Craft Demon Horde Odachi


Demon Horde Odachi Notes & Trivia

  • See Blacksmith to understand weapon inheritance and properties.
  • ??



Bizen Odachi  ♦  Black Lacquer Long Sword  ♦  Bloodspider Blade  ♦  Bloodstained Blade  ♦  Firefly Blade  ♦  Futsunomitama  ♦  Ippon-Datara's Odachi  ♦  Jakirimaru  ♦  Jiro Tachi  ♦  Kamui  ♦  Kamui (FIRE)  ♦  Kimibanzai Tomonari  ♦  Kobizen Odachi  ♦  Mirrorblade  ♦  Mirrowblade  ♦  Nene Slayer  ♦  Rai Kuniyuki Odachi  ♦  Rai Odachi  ♦  Ryomen Sukuna's Sword  ♦  Sekishu Kazusada  ♦  Stone Splitter  ♦  Sukesada Odachi  ♦  Sunderer  ♦  Takahira Odachi  ♦  Taro Tachi  ♦  Taro Tachi (WATER)  ♦  The Drying Pole  ♦  Usami Nagamitsu  ♦  Yamashiro Odachi  ♦  Yamato Odachi


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    • Anonymous

      Any ideas about where this is or what it is? I’ve never heard of or seen this anywhere else and there is no info here.

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