Divine Retribution

Divine Retribution
Skill Point Cost
Skill Type
Focused Retribution

Divine Retribution is one of the Switchglaive Skills in Nioh2. Divine Retribution is an Active Skills that swing the switchglaive downwards in scythe form while moving forward. If your swing connects with the enemy, you will cut them down while propelling yourself into the air.


Divine Retribution Description

Swing the switchglaive downwards in scythe form while moving forward. If your swing connects with the enemy, you will cut them down while propelling yourself into the air. (High Stance Only)


Builds that use Divine Retribution

  • ???


Divine Retribution Notes

  • Notes on this skill go here



Switchglaive Skills
Armor Piercer I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Armor Piercer II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Armor Piercer III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Blinding Edge  ♦  Calamitous Blade  ♦  Celestial Retribution  ♦  Cornered Boar I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Cornered Boar II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Cornered Boar III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Cornered Tiger I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Cornered Tiger II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Cornered Tiger III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Empty Retribution  ♦  Focused Retribution  ♦  Full Moon Kata I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Full Moon Kata II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Full Moon Kata III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Indomitable Spirit I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Indomitable Spirit II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Indomitable Spirit III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Infinite Retribution  ♦  Infinite Retribution II  ♦  Just Reprisal  ♦  Lightning Blade  ♦  Merciful Retribution  ♦  Mind's Edge  ♦  Mortal Retribution  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Rakshasa  ♦  Relentless I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Relentless II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Relentless III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike I (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike II (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike III (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Skyward Blade  ♦  Switch Stance: Blade  ♦  Switch Stance: Edge  ♦  Switch Stance: Retribution  ♦  The Path of Three  ♦  Thin Air  ♦  Tranquil Edge  ♦  Transient Blade (Switchglaive Skills)  ♦  Whirling Blade


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