Dual Swords are Weapons in Nioh 2. This weapon works in conjunction with the Dual Sword Skills skill tree, and usually has good scaling with the Skill stat. It also scales with Heart and Strength as well. This page covers a full list of Dual Swords in Nioh 2 and information about their stats.
This weapon is versatile and easy to use, with an emphasis on getting up close to enemies. It lacks range (especially if you want to hit with both swords for max damage) but you have several tools to close the distance, such as Mortal Flow and Sign of the Cross. Compared to the Tonfa and Fists, this has the most easy access to melee damage out of all of them, the best range, the best off-hand weapon option in Sign of the Cross II and arguably better defensive options than the fists.
It, however, lacks in Ki damage on hit, heavy punishes against blocking enemies, status accumulation and building Anima, though Wooden Dual Swords are an option for more Ki damage at the expense of melee damage if you think it's necessary. Dual Swords can work with any other weapon and don't care much about armor type.
Quick Summary |
Pros |
Cons |
Below is a list of Dual Swords in Nioh 2, and each Dual Sword has an effect that will ALWAYS be present, no matter what other random bonuses there may be. These effects are listed in the "effect" column. Damage values are not listed since these change by rarity and level, making it difficult to compare them easily. Break and Block are listed, since these do not change with rarity or level.
Every Weapon in the game has Familiarity. The better quality of the weapon, the more Familiarity can be obtained with the weapon, and over time the damage and bonuses of the weapon will improve as the Familiarity increases up to a maximum. This way, using the same weapon over time can yield higher damage than another, even if it's lower level.
Please see Dual Swords Skills information.
Water Swordsman: Dual Swords Build
Master an agile dual swordsman that uses Ninjutsu to compliment his skill with our Nioh 2 Water Swordsman build!
Nioh 2 Dual Swords
Quick Search of All Dual Swords
- Anonymous
Ichigo Hitofuri & Oyako Toshiro - Dual elemental (Fire & lightning)
Got it from that submission with Mumyo and the dojo masters
- Anonymous
Fudo Kuniyuki & Yagen Toshiro always has fixed imbue fire
- Anonymous
I recently got Bamboo Cutter & Bone Feaster in my game and they have the same scaling as all other dual swords and not what is written here. Can someone look into that?
- Anonymous
Anyone have any idea on where I can get the smithing text for Little Crow & Quickdraw? That looks like a cool pair of swords...
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Tarobo Kanemitsu & Rapier are dual swords dropped by one of the 7 Spears during Cherry Blossom in Daigo
- Anonymous
Anyone know if it is possible to get wooden dual swords prior to hitting 180k proficiency and doing the dojo dual sword duel?
Whoever claims that Dual Sowrds lacks in ki damage, clearly didn't has ever tried them.
The ki damage doesn't come from the standard attacks, but from active skills.
Nkt for nothing God of Wund 3 is also know as autowin combo.
It deals huge ki damage for yokai, and decent ki damage to humans who likes to block a lot.
It isn't as good as the Odachi versus humans targets, but still really viable.
If you're having troubles to break tanky humans guard, then pair DS with Odachi, or fists in case of a ninjutsu build.