Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy)

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Reduces the time it takes before you can perform actions again after your ki has been fully depleted when an enemy's Ki is reduced to zero

Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy) is a Special Effect in Nioh2. Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy) .Reduces the time it takes before you can perform actions again after your ki has been fully depleted when an enemy's Ki is reduced to zero. Special Effects can be acquired from Weapons, Armor, Accessories, Soul Cores and Guardian Spirits and can be either fixed or selected from a random pool.


Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy) Effects

  • Reduces the time it takes before you can perform actions again after your ki has been fully depleted when an enemy's Ki is reduced to zero


Equipment that grants Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy)

  • The following equipment has fixed Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy)
    • ???


Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy) Notes

  • Stats requirements of the Equipment must be met in order to acquire the Special Effects.
  • ???



Special Effects
Active Ki Consumption  ♦  Active ki Damage  ♦  Active Skill break  ♦  Active Skill Damage  ♦  Active Skill Ki consumption  ♦  Active Skill Ki Damage  ♦  Active skillki damage  ♦  Active Skills Ki Consumption  ♦  Ailment affliction Duration  ♦  Amina Bonus (Grapple)  ♦  Amrita Bonus (Inflict Purified)  ♦  Amrita Earned  ♦  Amrita Earned (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Amrita Earned Vs Humans  ♦  Amrita Earned Vs Yokai  ♦  Amrita Ernd Vs Yokai  ♦  Amrita Gauge Charge  ♦  Amrita Loot Bonus  ♦  Amrita Sensor  ♦  AmritaEarned  ♦  Anima  ♦  Anima Bonus (Amrita Abosrption)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Amrita Absorption)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Critical Amrita)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Damage Taken)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Electrified Enemy)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Elemental Attack)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Enemy Confused)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Enemy Corrupted)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Enemy Scorched)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Gold Earned)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Grapple)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Guard)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Inflict Ailment)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Ninjutsu Hit)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Nintitsu Hit)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Onmyo Magic Hit)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Poisoned Enemy)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Purification)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Ranged Hit)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Ranged Weapon Hit)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Saturated Enemy)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Scorched Enemy)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Timely Guard)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Unscathed Amrita)  ♦  Anima Bonus (Water Attack)  ♦  Anima Charge  ♦  Anima Charge (Active Skill)  ♦  Anima Charge (Awakened Weapon)  ♦  Anima Charge (Critical)  ♦  Anima Charge (Dark Realm)  ♦  Anima Charge (Enhanced)  ♦  Anima Charge (Melee Attacks)  ♦  Anima Charge (Strong Attack)  ♦  Anima Charge (Unscathed)  ♦  Anima Charge (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Anima Charge Bonus (Amrita Guage)  ♦  Anima Charge Bonus (cumulative damage)  ♦  Appetite for Ascension  ♦  Attack  ♦  Attack (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Attack Bonus (Amrita Gauge)  ♦  Attack Bonus (Anima)  ♦  Attack Bonus (Bow Damage)  ♦  Attack Bonus (Constitution)  ♦  Attack Bonus (Dexterity)  ♦  Attack Bonus (Poison Resistance)  ♦  Attack Bonus (Skill)  ♦  Attack Bonus (Stamina)  ♦  Attack Bonus [Core Stat]  ♦  Attunement Cost  ♦  Auto grave recovery  ♦  Auto Life Recovery (Moonlit Snow)  ♦  Auto-grave Recovery  ♦  Auto-life Recovery  ♦  Auto-Life Recovery (Amrita Absorption)  ♦  Auto-Life Recovery (Critical)  ♦  Auto-life recovery (Enemy Killed)  ♦  Auto-Life Recovery (Ki Depleted)  ♦  Auto-Life Recovery (Onmyo Magic Used)  ♦  Auto-Life Recovery (Purification)  ♦  Auto-Life Recovery (Timely Guard)  ♦  Auto-Target Weak Point  ♦  Backstab Damage  ♦  Backstab Damage Taken  ♦  Bare-Hande  ♦  Bare-Handed Attack Damage  ♦  Battle Focus Duration  ♦  Blindness Status on Scorched Enemy  ♦  Block  ♦  Block (Critical)  ♦  Blood of the Yokai  ♦  Bomb Damage  ♦  Bow Damage  ♦  Bow Damage (close Range)  ♦  Bow Ki Damage  ♦  Break  ♦  Bullet & Arrow Damage (Unscathed)  ♦  Bullet & Arrow Ki Damage  ♦  Bullet & Arrow Damage (Unscathed)  ♦  Bullseye Bonus  ♦  Bullseye Bonus (Ranged Attack)  ♦  Burn Accumulation (Enemy)  ♦  Charge Attack Boost  ♦  Cherry Blossom Damage  ♦  Cleansing Prayer  ♦  Close Combat Damage  ♦  Counter-Yokai Tactics  ♦  Critical Yokai Shift (Dark Realm)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Agility)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Ailing)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Amrita Gauge)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Consecutive Attack)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Damage Taken)  ♦  Damage Bonus (enemies defeated)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Enhanced)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Equipment lightness)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Equipment Weight)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Familiarity)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Health Lost)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Low Ki)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Luck)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Ninjutsu Power)  ♦  Damage Bonus (Onmyo Magic Power)  ♦  Damage bonus (Unarmored)  ♦  Damage Over Time  ♦  Damage Received (Critical)  ♦  Damage Reduction  ♦  Damage Taken  ♦  Damage Taken (Ailing)  ♦  Damage Taken (Critical)  ♦  Damage Taken (Mid-Attack)  ♦  Damage Taken (Online Co-op)  ♦  Damage Taken Halved (Unscalthed)  ♦  Damage Taken Halved (Unscathed)  ♦  Damage Taken Over Time  ♦  Damage taken Over Time (Fire)  ♦  Damage taken Over Time (Poison)  ♦  Damage Taken vs Unscathed Enemy  ♦  Damage Taken Vs Yokai  ♦  Damage Vs Revenant  ♦  Damage vs. Unscathed Enemy  ♦  Darting Blade  ♦  Dash Ki Consumption  ♦  Death Dancer  ♦  Defense  ♦  Defense (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Defense Bonus (Amrita Gauge)  ♦  Defense Bonus (Courage)  ♦  Defense Bonus (Enemies Defeated)  ♦  Defense Bonus (Magic)  ♦  Deflect Bullets & Arrows (Timely Guard)  ♦  Dispel Ailment (Strong Attack)  ♦  Dispel Ailments (Medicine)  ♦  Dispel Ailments (Strong Attack)  ♦  Divine Rice Drop Rate  ♦  Dodge Ki Consumption  ♦  Dodge Ki Consumption (Critical)  ♦  Easy Target  ♦  Efficient Yokai Abilities (all)  ♦  Elemental Damage  ♦  Elemental damage taken  ♦  Elemental damage Taken (guarding)  ♦  Elemental Transmission  ♦  Elemental Weapon Damage  ♦  Elixir Efficacy  ♦  Empowered Ninjutsu  ♦  Empowered Onmyo Magic  ♦  Enemy Sensor  ♦  Enhanced Kodama Blessings  ♦  Equipment drop rate  ♦  Equipment drop rate (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Equipment drop rate Vs Humans  ♦  Equipment Drop Rate Vs Yoaki  ♦  Equipment drop rate Vs Yokai  ♦  Equipment drop rate VsYokai  ♦  Extended Ailments  ♦  Extended Burst Counter: Feral  ♦  Extended Curse Nullification  ♦  Extended Dodge Invulnerability  ♦  Extended Elemental Weapon  ♦  Extended Enemy Confusion  ♦  Extended Status Enhancements  ♦  Extended Yokai Shift  ♦  Fall Damage Taken  ♦  Familiarity Bonus  ♦  Familiarly Bonus  ♦  Faster Ki Recovery (Amrita Absorption)  ♦  Faster Ki Recovery (Critical)  ♦  Faster Ki Recovery (Enemy Killed)  ♦  Faster Ki recovery (Medicine)  ♦  Faster Ki Recovery (Ninjutsu Used)  ♦  Faster Ki Recovery (Surrounded)  ♦  Faster Ki recovery (Timely Guard)  ♦  Faster Ki recovery (Yokai Ability Hit)  ♦  Faster Movement (Enemy Killed)  ♦  Faster Movement Speed (Amrita Absorption)  ♦  Faster Sword of Meditation Activation  ♦  Faster Winded Recovery  ♦  Final blow damage  ♦  Finishing Flair  ♦  Fire Damage  ♦  Fire Resistance  ♦  Flowing Shadow Damage  ♦  Gain Amrita (Ranged Weapon Hit)  ♦  Gain Amrita (Strong Attack)  ♦  Gold Earned  ♦  Gold Earned (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Gold Loot Bonus  ♦  Golden Boy  ♦  Grapple Damage  ♦  Grit  ♦  Guard Ki Consumption  ♦  Guard Ki Consumption (Critical)  ♦  Guard Ki Recovery  ♦  Guardian Spirit Protection  ♦  Guardian Spirit Skill Damage  ♦  Guardian Spirit Skill Ki Consumption  ♦  Hand Cannon Damage  ♦  Hand Cannon Damage (Close Range)  ♦  Heal Self & Allies (Melee Kill)  ♦  High Active Skill Damage  ♦  High Active Skill ki damage  ♦  High Attack (Spear)  ♦  High Attack (Strong Attack)  ♦  High Attack Break  ♦  High Attack damage  ♦  High Attack Ki Consumption  ♦  Hyottoko Mask Bonus  ♦  Imbue Corruption  ♦  Imbue Fire  ♦  Imbue Lightning  ♦  Imbue Poison (Yokai Abilities)  ♦  Imbue Purity  ♦  Imbue Purity (Strong Attack)  ♦  Imbue Water  ♦  Increase Attack & Defence (Yatagarusu)  ♦  Increase Attack (Enemy Killed)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Axe)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Dual Sword)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Dual Swords)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Fists)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Hatchet)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Hatchets)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Kusarigama)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Odachi)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Spear)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Splitstaff)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Surrounded)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Switchglaive)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Sword)  ♦  Increased Attack & Defense (Tonfa)  ♦  Increased Attack (50% Ki or less)  ♦  Increased Attack (50 percent Ki or less)  ♦  Increased Attack (Amrita Absorption)  ♦  Increased Attack (Enemy in Confusion)  ♦  Increased Attack (Medicine)  ♦  Increased Attack (Moonlit Snow)  ♦  Increased Attack (Ninjutsu Used)  ♦  Increased Attack (Onmyo Magic Hit)  ♦  Increased Attack (Purification)  ♦  Increased Attack (Surrounded)  ♦  Increased Attack (Timely Guard)  ♦  Increased Attack (Winded Enemy)  ♦  Increased Defense (Amrita Absorbed)  ♦  Increased Defense (Life Gained)  ♦  Increased Defense (Medicine)  ♦  Increased Defense (Moonlit Snow)  ♦  Increased Defense (Ninjutsu Hit)  ♦  Increased Defense (Purification)  ♦  Increased Defense (Timely Guard)  ♦  Increased Defense (Winded Enemy)  ♦  Increased Luck (Amrita Absorption)  ♦  Increased Luck (Enemy Killed)  ♦  Increases Attack (Enemy Killed)  ♦  Item drop rate  ♦  Item drop rate (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Item drop rate vs Humans  ♦  Item drop rate Vs Yoaki  ♦  Item drop rate Vs Yokai  ♦  Itemdrop rate (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Ki  ♦  Ki Bonus (Amrita Gauge)  ♦  Ki Consumption (Ailing)  ♦  Ki Consumption (critical)  ♦  Ki Consumption (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Ki Pulse Bonus  ♦  Ki Pulse Recovery  ♦  Ki Recovery  ♦  Ki Recovery (Critical)  ♦  Ki recovery (Scorched)  ♦  Ki Recovery (Unscathed)  ♦  Ki Recovery Bonus (Amrita Gauge)  ♦  Ki Recovery Speed  ♦  Kick attack break  ♦  Kick attack ki consumption  ♦  Life  ♦  Life Bonus (Stamina)  ♦  Life Drain  ♦  Life Drain (Active Skill)  ♦  Life Drain (Bullseye)  ♦  Life Drain (Final Blow)  ♦  Life Drain (Fire Attack)  ♦  Life Drain (Grapple)  ♦  Life Drain (High Attack)  ♦  Life Drain (Lightning Attack)  ♦  Life Drain (Melee Kill)  ♦  Life Drain (Ranged Weapon Hit)  ♦  Life Drain (Strong Attack)  ♦  Life drain (Water Attack)  ♦  Life Drain (Yokai ability hit)  ♦  Life Recovery (Amrita Absorption)  ♦  Life Recovery (Purification)  ♦  Lightning Damage  ♦  Lightning resistance  ♦  Living Dead  ♦  Low Active Skill Damage  ♦  Low active skill ki damage  ♦  Low Attack Damage  ♦  Low attack Ki consumption  ♦  Luck  ♦  Luck (Critical)  ♦  Luck (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Luck Bonus (Amrita Gauge)  ♦  Max Arrows  ♦  Max Hand Cannon Ammo  ♦  Max Riffle Ammo  ♦  Max Yokai Ability Ki Damage  ♦  Medicine Burst  ♦  Medicine Efficacy (Critical)  ♦  Melee Attack Damage  ♦  Melee Attack Ki Consumption  ♦  Melee Damaga vs Saturated Enemy  ♦  Melee damage  ♦  Melee Damage (Ailing Enemy)  ♦  Melee Damage (Awakened Weapon)  ♦  Melee damage (critical)  ♦  Melee Damage (Cross Spear Equipped)  ♦  Melee Damage (Dark Realm)  ♦  Melee Damage (No Backstab Bonus)  ♦  Melee Damage (Red Demon Armor)  ♦  Melee Damage (Unscathed)  ♦  Melee Damage vs Corrupted Enemy  ♦  Melee Damage vs Electrified Enemies  ♦  Melee Damage vs Electrified Enemy  ♦  Melee Damage Vs Humans  ♦  Melee damage Vs Paralyzed Enemy  ♦  Melee Damage Vs Poisoned Enemy  ♦  Melee Damage vs Saturated Enemy  ♦  Melee Damage vs Scorched Enemies  ♦  Melee Damage Vs Strong Enemy  ♦  Melee Damage Vs Unscathed Enemy  ♦  Melee Damage Vs Yoaki  ♦  Melee Damage Vs Yokai  ♦  Melee Damage vs. Scorched Enemy  ♦  Melee Damage vs. Strong Enemy  ♦  Melee Damage vs. Winded Enemy  ♦  Melee Damage vs. Zero-Ki Enemy  ♦  Melee Ki Consumption (Critical)  ♦  Melee Ki Damage  ♦  Merciless Barrage Damage  ♦  Mid Active Skill Ki Consumption  ♦  Mid attack break  ♦  Mid attack damage  ♦  Mid Attack ki Consumption  ♦  Mid AttackDamage  ♦  Mid Guard ki Consumption  ♦  Mission Reward Bonus  ♦  Movement Speed (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Movement stealth (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Mystic Dyad  ♦  National Unity  ♦  Never Winded  ♦  Ninjutsu Damage (Unscathed)  ♦  Ninjutsu Power  ♦  NinjutsuBonus (Amrita Gauge)  ♦  Nullify Damage (Purification)  ♦  Nullify Damage (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Ominous Pact  ♦  Onmyo Magic Bonus (Amrita Gauge)  ♦  Onmyo Magic Damage (Unscathed)  ♦  Onmyo Magic Power  ♦  Onmyo Magic Power (Special Effect)  ♦  Other Realm Resistance  ♦  Paralysis Accumulation (Enemy)  ♦  Paralysis Resistance  ♦  Path of the Avaricious  ♦  Path of the Beast  ♦  Piercing Projectiles  ♦  Piercing Rain Damage  ♦  Pleiades (Amrita Absorption)  ♦  Pleiades (Enemy Killed)  ♦  Pleiades (Moonlit Snow)  ♦  Poison Accumulation (Enemy)  ♦  Poison Resistance  ♦  Proficiency Bonus  ♦  Projectile Damage Taken  ♦  Projectiles Damage Taken  ♦  Quick Attack Break  ♦  Quick Attack Damage  ♦  Quick Attack Ki Consumption  ♦  Rage Duration  ♦  Ranged Damage  ♦  Reduced Attack (Onmyo Magic Hit)  ♦  Reduced Attack (Ranged Weapon)  ♦  Reduced Defense (Grapple)  ♦  Reduced Defense (Onmyo Magic)  ♦  Reduced Defense (Onmyo Magic Hit)  ♦  Reduced Defense (Ranged Weapon)  ♦  Reduced Defense (Ranged Weapon Hit)  ♦  Reduced Movement (Ranged Weapon Hit)  ♦  Reduces Attack (Ranged Weapon Hit)  ♦  Riffle Damage  ♦  Rifle Damage  ♦  Rifle Damage (Close Range)  ♦  Rifle Ki Damage  ♦  Rifle Speed Up  ♦  Rock Solid  ♦  Rumbling Earth Damage  ♦  Running Speed  ♦  Samurai From Dark Land  ♦  Saturation Accumulation (Enemy)  ♦  Scampuss Scort Duration  ♦  Sentience Charge  ♦  Servant of the Gods  ♦  Set Bonus Requirements Reduced  ♦  Shock Accumulation (Enemy)  ♦  Shuriken& Kunai Damage  ♦  Shuriken & Kunai Damage  ♦  Sign of the Cross Damage  ♦  Silver Tongue  ♦  Singular Mastery  ♦  Sloth (Onmyo Magic Hit)  ♦  Soul Core Drop Rate  ♦  Soul Core drop rate (Yokai Shift)  ♦  Spearfall Damage  ♦  Special Effects (Critical)  ♦  Stalwart (Bullet & Arrows)  ♦  Stalwart (Critical)  ♦  Stalwart (Onmyo Magic)  ♦  Stance- Based Amrita Bonus  ♦  Stealth  ♦  Stealth (Yokai Enemies)  ♦  Strong Attack Break  ♦  Strong Attack Damage  ♦  Strong Attack Ki Consumption  ♦  Strong Attack Ki Damage  ♦  Super-Efficient Yokai Abilities (All)  ♦  Tea Utensil Drop Rate  ♦  Tenacity (Damage Over Time)  ♦  The Crime of Patricide  ♦  The Triumph of Tranquility  ♦  The Vicissitudes of Life  ♦  Throwing Speed Up  ♦  Throwing Speed Up (Gunpowder Bomb)  ♦  Throwing Weapon Damage  ♦  Thrust Damage  ♦  Tiger Sprint Damage  ♦  Time Afflicted by Ailments  ♦  Tonfa Gun  ♦  Tornado Damage  ♦  Toughness  ♦  Toughness (Red Demon Armor)  ♦  Transform Bonus  ♦  Treasure Sensor  ♦  Triple Threat Damage  ♦  True Dragon Sword  ♦  Ultimate Constitution  ♦  Ultimate Courage  ♦  Ultimate Dexterity  ♦  Ultimate Heart  ♦  Ultimate Magic  ♦  Ultimate Skill  ♦  Ultimate Stamina  ♦  Ultimate Strength  ♦  Unlimited Shuriken  ♦  Untouched Ammo  ♦  Untouched Clay Bell of Beckoning  ♦  Untouched Elixir  ♦  Untouched Gunpowder Bomb  ♦  Untouched Jutsu  ♦  Untouched Ninjutsu  ♦  Untouched Onmyo Magic  ♦  Untouched Sacred Water  ♦  Versatility  ♦  Water Damage  ♦  Water Resistance  ♦  Yokai Ability (Feral)  ♦  Yokai Ability Damage  ♦  Yokai Ability Damage(All)  ♦  Yokai Ability Damage (Ailing Enemy)  ♦  Yokai Ability Damage (All)  ♦  Yokai Ability Damage (Brute)  ♦  Yokai Ability Damage (Feral)  ♦  Yokai Ability Damage (Force Boost)  ♦  Yokai Ability Damage (Phantom)  ♦  Yokai Ability Damage (Poisoned Enemy)  ♦  Yokai Ability Damage (Saturated Enemy)  ♦  Yokai Ability Damage (Scorched Enemy)  ♦  Yokai Ability Ki Pulse  ♦  Yokai Annihilator  ♦  Yokai Slayer  ♦  [Skill Name] Damage


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