Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy) |
Reduces the time it takes before you can perform actions again after your ki has been fully depleted when an enemy's Ki is reduced to zero | |
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Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy) is a Special Effect in Nioh2. Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy) .Reduces the time it takes before you can perform actions again after your ki has been fully depleted when an enemy's Ki is reduced to zero. Special Effects can be acquired from Weapons, Armor, Accessories, Soul Cores and Guardian Spirits and can be either fixed or selected from a random pool.
Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy) Effects
- Reduces the time it takes before you can perform actions again after your ki has been fully depleted when an enemy's Ki is reduced to zero
Equipment that grants Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy)
- The following equipment has fixed Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy)
- ???
Faster Ki Recovery (Winded Enemy) Notes
- Stats requirements of the Equipment must be met in order to acquire the Special Effects.
- ???
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