Fire and Ice

Anima 8
Attunement 10

Fire and Ice is a Yokai Skill in Nioh 2. Fire and Ice is unlocked by attuning a Ryomen Sukuna Soul Core to your Guardian Spirits, enabling you to perform this unique skill.


Fire and Ice Effects

The player briefly assumes the form of a Ryomen Sukuna and spins while brandishing various weapons. Enemies hit will take damage and accumulate the Saturated and Scorched status ailments.


How to get Fire and Ice


Fire and Ice Notes & Tips

  • The player has control of their movement while the ability is active. 



Nioh 2 Yokai Skills
Amphibian Ritual  ♦  Ball of Hatred  ♦  Bloodbath  ♦  Brutal Charge  ♦  Cascade  ♦  Chomp  ♦  Corrupted Breath  ♦  Cutting Stream  ♦  Dance of the Tengu  ♦  Dark Detonation  ♦  Dark Digger  ♦  Delirious Assault  ♦  Fiendish Frenzy  ♦  Fiery Draft  ♦  Fiery Reinforcement  ♦  Fire Arm  ♦  Fire Twister  ♦  Fleshy Fury  ♦  Foxfire  ♦  Go Nuts  ♦  Hard-Headed  ♦  Hellfire Wheel  ♦  Hunter's Harvest  ♦  Impaling Doom  ♦  Indestructible Shell  ♦  Lockjaw  ♦  Maelstrom  ♦  Magatsu Muscle  ♦  Metal Crusher  ♦  Monkey Dance  ♦  Mountain Sweeper  ♦  Murky Fog  ♦  Offensive Odor  ♦  One-legged Fury  ♦  Out of Sight  ♦  Petrifying Gaze  ♦  Pinwheel  ♦  Quick as Lightning  ♦  Rain of Terror  ♦  Razing Edge  ♦  Rising Winds  ♦  Sanmyo Storm  ♦  Sanmyo Storm (Nightmare Bringer)  ♦  Scampush  ♦  Sharp Old Hag  ♦  Skeleton Bowman  ♦  Slaphappy  ♦  Spectral Swarm  ♦  Spinning Top  ♦  Spitball  ♦  Stalwart Shield  ♦  Tangle Cotton  ♦  Tengu Tactics  ♦  Tentacle Storm  ♦  Thundering Cry  ♦  Ubume's Cry  ♦  Vile Venom  ♦  Wall or Nothing  ♦  Wheel of Flames  ♦  Where There's Smoke  ♦  Whiplash  ♦  Whipper Snapper  ♦  Wind Blast  ♦  Wormhole


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