
active skill nioh 2 wiki guide
Skill Point Cost
Skill Type

Grapple is one of the Samurai Skills in Nioh 2. Grapple is an active skill that hooks an enemy out of Ki or a downed yokai and peforms a powerful attack. Upon using Grapple, the player enters a weapon-dependent animation which provides invulnerability frames (i.e. the player cannot be harmed during the animation).


Grapple Description

Grapples a human enemy who is out of Ki or a downed yokai, then follows up with a powerful attack.


Builds that use Grapple



Grapple Notes

  • Notes on this skill go here



Samurai Skills
Blue Moon  ♦  Bowmaster II  ♦  Changing Ways  ♦  Composure  ♦  Cull the Herd  ♦  Cyclone  ♦  Cyclone II  ♦  Damage Boost: Constitution  ♦  Damage Boost: Courage  ♦  Damage Boost: Dexterity  ♦  Damage Boost: Heart  ♦  Damage Boost: Magic  ♦  Damage Boost: Skill  ♦  Damage Boost: Stamina  ♦  Damage Boost: Strength  ♦  Deadly Mark  ♦  Deliberate Slice  ♦  Demon Dash  ♦  Demon Fang  ♦  Dual Hawks  ♦  Fatal Thrust  ♦  Final Blow  ♦  Flash Attack  ♦  Flux  ♦  Flux II  ♦  Fortitude II  ♦  Fortitude III  ♦  Hands of Death II  ♦  Hands of Death III  ♦  Heron Kick  ♦  High Kick  ♦  Hornet Sting  ♦  Hornet Sting II  ♦  Ki Pulse  ♦  Ki Pulse: Earth  ♦  Ki Pulse: Heaven  ♦  Ki Pulse: Man  ♦  Kibosh Kicker  ♦  Kurama Sword Dance  ♦  Light in Darkness  ♦  Masterful Slice  ♦  Moonlit Snow Redux  ♦  Nimble Slice  ♦  Omnislice  ♦  Purify Yokai Realm  ♦  Purify Yokai Realm: Earth  ♦  Purify Yokai Realm: Heaven  ♦  Purify Yokai Realm: Man  ♦  Purify Yokai Realm:Earth  ♦  Purify Yokai Realm:Man  ♦  Quivermaker  ♦  Reckless Slice  ♦  Roar Power  ♦  Round Carrier  ♦  Running Water: Earth  ♦  Running Water: Heaven  ♦  Running Water: Man  ♦  Sacred Bird Cry  ♦  Sacred Bird Flight  ♦  Shot Pouch  ♦  Spinning Dragon  ♦  Spinning Slide  ♦  Stance  ♦  Thunderbolt  ♦  Tidebreaker  ♦  Wild Surge  ♦  Wild Surge II  ♦  Winter Wind

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