Hatchet Skills |
![]() |
Number of Skills | 42 |
Hatchet Skills is a skills in Nioh 2. This skill set focuses on the Hatchets/double axe weapon combat.
How to Acquire Hatchet Skills
- Hatchets Skills are unlocked by spending Skill Points into the tree.
- Hatchets Skill Points are unlocked whenever you use the Hatchets weapon to attack and kill enemies
- Alternatively, players can consume the item Fallen Hatchets Wielder's Locks to gain a Hatchets Skill Point
Nioh 2 Hatchet Skills Tree
Nioh 2 Hatchet Skills List
Hatchet Skills
Name |
Skilltype |
Effects |
Skillpointcost |
Prerequisite |
Dual Hurl | Active | Perform a charged throw with your hatchet. If you charge it to the maximum, you will throw both of your hatchets at the same time. (Mid stance only). Command: Hold Triangle |
1 |
Mountain Climber II | Active | Press Square button after using Mountain Climber to strike downwards at your enemy as you land. (Low Stance Only). | 1 |
Cleared Mission "
Mountain Climber | Active | Leaps over an enemy to get behin them. (Low Stance Only). Command: L3 UP + X button at end of combo. |
1 |
Advancing Storm | Active | Run forward, launching into a somersault and flinging, your hatches at the enemy. Command: Hold Square while running |
1 | |
Tile Shaker | Active | Parries an enemy attack, neutralizing it. (Mid Stance Only). | 1 | |
Biting Hail | Active | Evade an attack while flinging your hatches at you foe. (Low Stance Only). Command: Triangle button while dodging. |
1 | |
Dual Hurl: Light | Active | Decrease the charge time when performing Dual Hurl. (Mid stance only). Command: Hold triangle button. |
1 | |
Dual Hurl: Shadow | Active | Increases the distance of the throw when you charge your attack further. (Mid stance Only). |
1 | |
Relentless I | Passive | Maximun Ki increasses by +30 when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Spiked Wall | Active | Unleash a powerful slash with both hatchets from your guard position, repelling the enemy's attack. Heavily staggers the enemy if succesful. (Mid Stance Only) | 1 | |
Relentless II | Passive | Maximun Ki increasses by +20 when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Relentless III | Passive | Maximun Ki increasses by +10 when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Demon Undercut | Active | Throw the hatchet in your right hand at a targeted enemy's feet and cause a large amount of Ki damage (Mid stance only) | 1 | |
Cornered Boar I | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, the damage you receive is reduced by 15% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Cornered Boar II | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, the damage you receive is reduced by 10% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Cornered Boar III | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, the damage you receive is reduced by 5% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Spinning Crab | Active | Perform a low spinning attack with both hatchets, aimed at the enemy's feet. If the enemy is humanoid and their Ki is reduced to zero, they will fall over. (Low stance only). Triangle button at end of combo. |
1 | |
Shadow Strike I | Passive | Damage dealt to enemies from behind increases by 3% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Shadow Strike II | Passive | Damage dealt to enemies from behind increases by 2% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Shadow Strike III | Passive | Damage dealt to enemies from behind increases by 1% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Eagle's Shadow | Active | Throws hatchets in a wide arc. Will reach the targeted enemy if locked on. (Low stance only). |
1 |
Chain Hurl | Active | Charge your attack and throw both of your hatchets, one after another (Low stance only). Command: Hold Triangle button. |
1 |
Chain Hurl II | Active | Prees triangle repeatdly to chain your throws. (Low stance only) | 1 | |
Wolf's Rage | Active | Instantly recover from being repelled by an enemy's guard and deal a guard-breaking blow with your hatchet. | 1 | |
Death From Above | Active | Jump into the air and strike the gorund with your hatchets. (Mid stance only). Command: Hold triangle button. |
1 | |
Indomitable Spirit I | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, your Ki recovery speed will increase by 15% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Indomitable Spirit II | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, your Ki recovery speed will increase by 10% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Indomitable Spirit III | Passive | When your health drops to 30% or lower, your Ki recovery speed will increase by 5% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Passage to the Afterlife I | Passive | Increases grapple damage by 4% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Passage to the Afterlife II | Passive | Increases grapple damage by 3% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Passage to the Afterlife III | Passive | Increases grapple damage by 2% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Lethal Barrage | Active | At the end of a combo, change to a backhanded grip and repeatedly strike the enemy. Repeatedly press triangle to increase the hit count. (High stance only). Command: triangle button at end of combo. |
1 | Piercing Hurl |
Lethal Barrage II | Active | Follow up a lethal Barrage with your a powerful attack by presing square. (High stance only). | 1 | |
Cornered Tiger I | Passive | When your health is below 30%, your melee damage will be increased by 15% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Cornered Tiger II | Passive | When your health is below 30%, your melee damage will be increased by 10% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Cornered Tiger III | Passive | When your health is below 30%, your melee damage will be increased by 5% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Piercing Hurl | Active | Perform a charged throw with your hatchet. If you charge it to the maximum, the weapon will tear through the enemy on impact. (High stance only). Command: Hold triangle button. |
1 |
Piercing Hurl : Light | Active | Decreases the charge time when performing Piercirng Hurl. (High stance only). Command: Hold triangle button. |
1 | |
Piercing Hurl: Shadow | Active | Increases the distance of the throw when you charge your atack further. (High stance only). Command: Hold triangle button. |
1 | |
Full Moon Kata I | Passive | While in full health, your melee damage increases by 3% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 | |
Full Moon Kata II | Passive | While in full health, your melee damage increases by 2% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Full Moon Kata III | Passive | While in full health, your melee damage increases by 1% when you have hatchets equipped as your main weapon. | 1 |
Heaven's Clash | Passive | Build up power before throwing your hatches in an arc. (Mid Stance Only). Command: L1 + Square (Square while guarding). |
1 | |
Bell Ringer | Active | Thrust your hatchets directly in front of you, forcing your enemies to retreat. (Mid Stance Only). Command: triangle button at end of combo. |
1 |
Mountain Hawk | Active | Follow up a Quick Attack by fringing your hatchets at the enemy. (Mid Stance Orly). Command: Hold triangle button. |
1 |
Dragonfly | Active | Spin your hatchets at high speed as they hang in mid-air, inflicting damage on nearby foe . (High/Mid Stance Only). Command: L1 + Square button (Square while guardian). |
1 |
Dragonfly II | Active | Allows you to charge up the Dragonfly skill so that your spinning hatchets will hang in the air for longer. (High/Mid Stance Only) | 1 | |
Greased Lightning | Active | Only usable when hatchets are sheathed. Charge up your power before unleashing two mighty strikes upon the enemy. Command: Hold R1 + Square Button. |
1 |
Boulder Breaker | Active | Only usable when hatchets are sheathed. Charge up your power before throwing your hatchets forward. Command: Hold R1 + Square button. |
1 | |
All Ablaze | Active | Only usable when hatchets are sheathed. Increases your attack power and movement speed in exchange for sacrificing some defense. Command: Hold R1 + Square |
1 |
Arise | Active | Press triangle button when you are downed to attack while springing back up. Command: triagle while downed. |
1 |
Deadly Spiral | Active | Spin around while wielding your hatchets, then send them flying around you in a circle. | Boss Skill | |
Trained Throw | Mystic Art | Skills that allow you to perform a charged throw of your hatchets deal more damage when charged and thrown with the correct timing. | 1 |
Tireless Throw | Mystic Art | Damage from thrown hatchets no longer suffer a distance penalty. | 1 |
- Anonymous
Are passive skills shared/work in all stances? For example in Low stance there is passive skill that gives some % of extra damage if you attack enemy from behind. Does that still work if I am in any other stance or only in Low stance?
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deadly spin is worth the grind 100%!