Kamui is one of the Odachis in Nioh 2. This weapon works in conjunction with the Odachi Skills skill tree. The Odachi weapon type scales very well with Strength, but also has some scaling from Stamina and Heart. So if your Build has high Strength, consider using this Weapon type.
Kamui Description
An odachi influenced by the indigenous Ainu people of Ezo (present-day Hokkaido). The design is mix of traditional Ainu style blades, primarily used for hunting, and a more mainstream Japanese aesthetic. Its name comes from the Airu word for ''Cod''. Long and deeply curved, the blade is suited for slicing and parrying, with its weight lending great power to each strike.
Location: Where to Find Kamui
- Dropped by: ??
- Available to be crafted once the Smithing Text: Kamui is presented to the Blacksmith.
- The Smithing Text is dropped by Tokichiro in The Two Faces of Hospitality.
- The Smithing Text is dropped by Shibata Katsuie in Ruin Draws Near.
Materials Needed to Craft Kamui
- ?? x2, ?? x4, ?? x6, ?? x1
- ??
Kamui Notes & Trivia
- See Blacksmith to understand weapon inheritance and properties.
- ??
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This can be dropped by Tokichiro on “The Two Faces Of Hospitality” mission.
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Can drop from Shibata Katsue(Yokai)