Ki Recovery Speed

The speed at which your Ki recovers.
The numbers indicates the amount of Ki recovered per second.

Ki Recovery Speed is a Secondary Stat in Nioh 2. This page contains information regarding Ki Recovery Speed.


Ki Recovery Speed Information

The base speed at which your Ki recovers per second.
This stat is increased based on skill point investment in courage-nioh-2-wikiCourage and heart-nioh-2-wikiHeart.
Every effect that Increases or lowers Ki Recovery Speed are multipliers on this value.



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Agility  ♦  Anima (Stat)  ♦  Attack (Melee Weapon 1)  ♦  Attack (Melee Weapon 2)  ♦  Attack (Ranged Weapon 1)  ♦  Attack (Ranged Weapon 2)  ♦  Block (Melee Weapon 1)  ♦  Block (Melee Weapon 2)  ♦  Break (Melee Weapon 1)  ♦  Break (Melee Weapon 2)  ♦  Break (Ranged Weapon 1)  ♦  Break (Ranged Weapon 2)  ♦  Constitution  ♦  Courage  ♦  Dexterity  ♦  Equipment Weight  ♦  Heart  ♦  Ki (Stat)  ♦  Level  ♦  Life (Stat)  ♦  Magic  ♦  Ninjutsu Power (Stat)  ♦  Onmyo Magic Power (Stat)  ♦  Skill (Stat)  ♦  Stamina  ♦  Strength  ♦  Toughness (Stat)  ♦  vs. Fire  ♦  vs. Lightning  ♦  vs. Paralysis  ♦  Vs. Physical  ♦  vs. Poison  ♦  vs. Water


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