Lightning Cannon

stamina-nioh-2-wiki Stamina Bonus B+ Break 140
skill-nioh-2-wiki Skill Bonus C+ Block 0
courage-nioh-2-wiki Courage Bonus D+    

Special Effect

fixed-property-nioh-2-wiki-guideHand Cannon Damage

Lightning Cannon is one of the Hand Cannons in Nioh 2. Ranged Weapons do NOT have a skill tree, and usually has good scaling with the Stamina stat. It also scales with Courage and Skill as well. So if your Build has high Stamina, consider using this Weapon type.


Lightning Cannon Description

A hand cannon said to be developed by Goto Matabe, a retainer to the Kuroda clan. The Kuroda clan excelled at firearms research, and as such, were able to devise a viable method of attack employing hand cannons. This cannon possesses enough power to level castle walls, and the sound it emits when firing is like a crash of lightning, instilling a sense of dread in any enemies within earshot. Matabe was ultimately banished from the Kuroda clan, as some believed he might have been secretly leaking this cannon's designs to other clans.


Location: Where to Find Lightning Cannon

  • Dropped by: ??
  • Dropped by: ??


Materials Needed to Craft Lightning Cannon


Lightning Cannon Notes & Trivia

  • See Blacksmith to understand weapon inheritance and properties.
  • ??




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