Moonlit Snow

active skill nioh 2 wiki guide
Skill Point Cost
Skill Type
Cuckoo's Call

Cleared Mission ''The Sun Sets On Mount Tenno''.

Moonlit Snow is one of the Odachi Skills in Nioh2. Moonlit Snow is an active skill that performs up the three succession hits.


Moonlit Snow Description

Press ___ button to perform up to three powerful hits in succession. The technique can be changed by pressing and holding down ___ button from any stance.


Builds that use Moonlit Snow

  • ???


Moonlit Snow Notes

  • Has hyper armor



Odachi Skills
Armor Piercer (Odachi) I  ♦  Armor Piercer (Odachi) II  ♦  Armor Piercer (Odachi) III  ♦  Armor Piercer I (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Armor Piercer II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Armor Piercer III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Bolting Boar  ♦  Charging Bull  ♦  Clarity  ♦  Crashing Waves  ♦  Cuckoo's Call  ♦  Dawn's Light  ♦  Defense Arts (Odachi) I  ♦  Defense Arts (Odachi) II  ♦  Defense Arts (Odachi) III  ♦  Defense Arts I (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Defense Arts II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Defense Arts III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Devastating Rush  ♦  First Rule of Thrusting (Odachi)  ♦  First Rule of Thrusting (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Groundquake  ♦  Imperative Strike  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife (Odachi) I  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife (Odachi) II  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife (Odachi) III  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife I (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Relentless (Odachi) I  ♦  Relentless (Odachi) II  ♦  Relentless (Odachi) III  ♦  Relentless I (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Relentless II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Relentless III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Retrograde Flow  ♦  Second Rule of Thrusting (Odachi)  ♦  Second Rule of Thrusting (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike (Odachi) I  ♦  Shadow Strike (Odachi) II  ♦  Shadow Strike (Odachi) III  ♦  Shadow Strike I (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Sunset Breeze: Earth I  ♦  Sunset Breeze: Heaven  ♦  Sunset Breeze: Man  ♦  Swallow's Wing  ♦  Swallow Wing  ♦  Sword of Severance I  ♦  Sword of Severance II  ♦  Sword of Severance III  ♦  Tachi Arts I (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Tachi Arts II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Tachi Arts III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Tail Strike  ♦  Third Rule of Thrusting (Odachi)  ♦  Third Rule of Thrusting (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Tiger's Blade  ♦  Twin Moons  ♦  Undaunted  ♦  Waking Winds: Earth  ♦  Waking Winds: Heaven  ♦  Waking Winds: Man


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