Ninja Skills

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Number of Skills 48

Ninja Skills is a Skill tree in Nioh 2. This skill tree consists of skills that focus on the use of stealth and subterfuge.

How to Acquire Ninja Skills

  • Ninja Skills are unlocked by spending Skill Points into the tree.
  • Ninja Skill Points are unlocked by Proficiency, which is gained by using ninja tools during combat: for example gunpowder bombs, shurikens, and self-hypnosis scrolls (e.g Levitation Scroll).
  • Alternatively, players can consume the item Ninja's Locks to gain a Ninja Skill Point

 Using Ninja Skills

  • Many Ninja Skills unlock Jutsu, which can be prepared at a Shrine ("Prepare Jutsu" in the Shrine menu).
  • Jutsu are usually added to the Shortcut Menu, allowing them to be used with a hotkey.
  • Prepared Justu are refreshed at a Shrine.
  • Each Jutsu takes up a certain amount of Ninjutsu Capacity, and each has a limit to the number that can be prepared.
  • Generally, levelling up a particular Jutsu in the skill tree will reduce the cost and increase the number that can be prepared, though there are exceptions.
  • Ninjustu Capacity can be increased by adding points into Dexterity, up to 30. It can be further increased with Ninja Tool Mastery, which has two levels, increasing capacity by 3 and 2 points respectively, to a combined total of 5. This brings the maximum to 35 up until Dream of the Wise, where the level cap for each core skill is increased to 200 and each 20 points past 100 Dexterity increases Ninjutsu Capacity by 1, for an additional 5 points and a total maximum of 40.


Nioh 2 Ninja Skills Tree






Nioh 2 Ninja Skills List


Tiger-running I Jutsu Allows you to ready Tiger-running Scrolls. When used, these scrolls increases your top running and dash speeds. Amount Preparable 1-2 Jutsu Cost 3.0 1 Base
Caltrops I Jutsu Allows you to ready Caltrops. Scatter these caltrop spikes on the ground to inflict damage and reduce the movement speed of those who step on them. Amount Preparable 1-6 Jutsu Cost 0.8 1
Endurace Passive Reduces damage over time inflicted by Poison and fire by 6%. 1
Frugality Passive Give a chance to retrieve arrows or bullets that dealt the killing shot to an enemy's weak point. 1
Healer Jutsu Increases elixir that be can carried by 1. 1
Medicine: Power Pill I Jutsu Allows you to ready Power Pill. When take, these medicinal pills temporarily enhace you attack strength. Amount Preparable 1-3 Jutsu Cost 2.0  1
Fire: Gunpowder Bomb I Jutsu Allows you to ready Iga gunpowder bombs. When thrown, this explosive device detonates on impact and damage all enemies in the vicinity. Amount Preparable 1-4 Jutsu Cost 1.3 1
  • Base
Fire: Shrapnel Bomb I Jutsu Allows you to ready Iga shrapnel bombs. When thrown, this explosive device detonates on impact, sending ceramic shards flying and inflicting significant damage on all enemies in the vicinity. Amount Preparable 1-4 Jutsu Cost 1.3 1
Fire: Enhanced Shrapnel Bomb I Jutsu Allows you to ready Iga enhanced shrapnel  bombs. When thrown, these devices explode on impact. The resulting blast and flying ceramic shards inflict devastating damage on all enemies in the vicinity. Amount Preparable 1-2 Jutsu Cost 7.0 1
Caltrop Ball I Jutsu Allows you to ready Caltrop Balls. When thrown, this explosive device detonates on impact, scaltering caltrop spikes. Amount Preparable 1-2 Jutsu Cost 5.0 1
Healing: Anti-toxin Pill I Jutsu Allows you to ready Anti-toxin Pill. When taken, this pills neutralize the Poisoned  status ailment and dispel all Poison accumulation, simultaneously boostig your resistance to Poison. Amount Preparable 1-3 Jutsu Cost 1.0 1
Dashing Passive Reduces the Ki consumed by dashing by 5% 1
Cloudrunner Passive Increases normal running speed by 5% 1
Levitation Jutsu Allows you to ready Levitation Scroll. When used, these scrolls grant temporary inmunity to terrain effects. Amount Preparable 1-3 Jutsu Cost 1.5 1
Sneak Attack Active Pressing triangle from behind an enemy that hasn't noticed you, will perform a powerful attack. 1
Catwalking I Jutsu Allows you to ready Catwalking Scroll. When used, these scrolls allow you to move in total silence, excluding attacks, and also decrease damage when you fall from high places. Amount Preparable 1-4 Jutsu Cost 1.0 1
Kodama Transformation I Jutsu Allows you to ready Kodama Transformation scroll. When used, these scrolls temporarily transforms you into a Kodama, causing enemies to ignore you. Amount Preparable 1-4 Jutsu Cost 0.5 1
Sneak Thief Passive The enemy will drop an item when you pull off a successful sneak atack 1
  • Sneak Attack
  • Cleared Mission ''The Sun Sets On Mount Tenno''
Sneak Thief Scroll I Jutsu Allows you to ready Sneak Thief Scrolls. When used, these scrolls allows you to become more elusive, making it difficult for enemies to find you, though your defense is also reduced. As soon as an enemy spots you, the scrolls effects disappear. Amount Preparable 1-5 Jutsu Cost 0.6 1
Smoke Ball I Jutsu Allows you to ready Smoke Ball. When trhown, these devices creates a smokescreen that allows you to hide from enemies. 1
Shadow Arts: Yaroka Water I Jutsu Allows you to ready Yaroka Water feather. When used, it inflicts water damage and major Ki damage on your enemy. If an enemy's Ki depleted, it will inflict major water damage. Amount Preparable 1-3 Jutsu Cost 2.0 1
Shadow Arts: Raijin I Jutsu Allows you to ready Raijin feather. When used, it inflicts lighting damage and major Ki damage on your enemy. If the enemy's Ki is depleted, it will inflict major lightning damage. 1
Shadow Arts: Flaming Heron I Jutsu Allows you to ready Flaming heron feather. When used, it inflicts fire damage and major Ki damage on your enemy. If the enemy's Ki depleted, it will inflict major fire damage. Amount Preparable 1-3 Jutsu Cost 2.0 1
Quick-Change I Jutsu Allows you to ready Quick-change Scroll. When used, these scrolls Temporarily allow you to survive an enemy's attack that would otherwise reduce your health to zero. Amount Preparable 1-2 Jutsu Cost 6.0 1
Dodging Passive Reduces Ki consumed by dodging by 5% 1
Fire: Kayaku-dama Jutsu Allows you to ready Iga Style Kayaku-dama. When thrown, this explosive device detonates on impact and damage all enemies in the vicinity 1
  • Base
Groundfire I Jutsu Allows you to ready Groundfire trap. When set, these traps will explode, either when an enemy steps on them, or after a set period of time has elapsed. Amount Preparable 1-4 Jutsu Cost 2.0 1
Fire: Shuriken I Jutsu Allows you to ready shuriken. These throwing stars burst into flames upon impact, inflicting additional damage on their target 1
Shuriken II Jutsu Allows you to ready shuriken with greater efficiency. Throw these razor-edged stars at enemies to inflict damage 1
Snakebite Technique Jutsu Increases recurrent damage dealt by 10% 1
Bomb-making Passive Increases damage of gungpower and shraped bombs by 6% 1
Saboteur Passive Icreases gunpowder and shrapnel bomb carrying capacity by 1. 1
Shuriken III Jutsu Allows you to ready shuriken with greater efficiency. Throw these razor-edged stars at enemies to inflict damage 1
Rakansen Coin Jutsu Allows you to ready Rakansen Coin. Throwing  it deals damage to the enemy. This item does not dissapear, but ussing it will cost a small ammount of money. Amount Preparable 1 Jutsu Cost 1.0 1
Noxious Grounfire I Jutsu Allows you to ready Noxious Grounfire traps. When set, these traps will explode either when an enemy steps on them, or after a set period of time has elapsed, scattering foul-smelling pollutans over the surrounding area. Amount Preparable 1-4 Jutsu Cost 1.0 1
Shuriken I Jutsu Allows you to ready shuriken. Throw these razor-edged stars at enemies to inflict damage 1
  • Base
Shuriken Shooter Active After throwing a shuriken, pressing the assigned button again throws another shuriken 1
Thrown Blade Technique I Passive Increases shuriken damage by 5%. 1
Kunai I Jutsu Allows you to ready kunai. When thrown, these items inflict damage on your enemy. Amount Preparable 1-7 Jutsu Cost 0.7 1
Storm Kunai I Jutsu Allows you to ready Storm Kunai. When thrown, these kunai inflict damage on your enemies. Amount Preparable 1-4 Jutsu Cost 1.5 1
Ninja Tool Mastery I Passive Increases Ninjitsu capacity by 3. 1
Medicine: Anti-toxin Pill Jutsu Allows you to ready Anti-toxic pill. When taken, these pills neutralise poison and remove the accumulation of toxins, while also boosting resistance to poison. 1
  • Base
Poison Control I Passive +5.0 against poison. 1
Poison: Gallnut Broth I Jutsu Allows you to ready gallnut broth. When used, this broth gives your weapon a poisoning effect. Amount Preparable 1-4 Jutsu Cost 1.5 1
  • Base
Poison: Blister-Beetle Powder I Jutsu Allows you to ready blister-beetle powder. When thrown, it explodes on impact and releases a cloud of poisonous dust. Those who breath in the powder will become poisoned. Amount Preparable 1-3 Jutsu Cost 1.6 1
Toxic Groundfire I Jutsu Allows you to ready toxic groudfire trap. When set, these traps will explode, either when an enemy steps on them, or after a set period of time has elapsed, scattering poisonous powder over the sorrounding area. Amount Preparable 1-4 Jutsu Cost 1.5 1
Eagle Eye Jutsu Allows you to ready eagle eye Scroll. When  used, these scrolls temporarily increase the power of your arrows when you aim with your bow at an enemy for an extended period of time. Amount Preparable 1-3 Jutsu Cost 0.8 1
Poison Arrows I Jutsu Allows you to ready Poison Arrow. These arrows have been treated with a toxic tincture that makes them poisionous for a limited time. Preparable 1-4 Jutsu Cost 1.5 1
Poison Shuriken I Jutsu Allows you to ready Poison Shuriken. When thrown, these weapons poison enemies as well as inflicting physical damage. Amount Preparable 1-6 Jutsu Cost 1.7 1
Poison: Hemlock Broth I Jutsu Allows you to ready hemlock broth. When used, this broth gives your weapon a paralyzing effect. 1
Poison: Medusa Powder I Jutsu Allows you to ready Medusa Powder. When thrown, it explodes on impact and realeses a cloud of paralysing dust. Those who breath in the powder will become paralyzed. Amount Preparable 1-3 Jutsu Cost 1.6 1
Blinding Shell I Jutsu Allows you to ready Bliding Shells. When thrown, these devices explode sending a cloud of fine particles into the air. Enemies affected will have their vision impaired and will atack blindly. 1
Paralytic Groundfire I Jutsu Allows you to ready Paralytic Groundifre trap. When set, these traps will explode, either when an enemy steps on them, or after a set period of time has ellapsed, scattering a neurotoxin powder over the sorrounding area. Amount Preparable 1-34 Jutsu Cost 1.5 1
Medicine: Siki-gan Pill Jutsu Allows you to ready Shiki-gan Pill. When taken, these pills cure paralysis and removes the accumulation of paralytic effects, while also increasing your resistance to paralysis. These pills may be used while paralyzed. 1
  • Base
Medicine: Seven-Herb Pills I Jutsu Allows you to ready Seven-Herb Pills. When taken, these pills naturalize the Paralyzed status ailment and dispel all Paralysis accumulation,  simultaneously boosting your resistance to Paralysis. These pills may be used while paralyzed. Amount Preparable 1-3 Jutsu Cost 1.0


Paralytic Control I Passive +5.0 against paralysis. 1
Stun Arrows I Jutsu Allows you to ready Stun Arrow. When used, this tincture ibmues arrows with a paralyzing effect. Amount Preparable 1-4 Jutsu Cost 1.5 1
Paralysis Shuriken I Jutsu When Thrown, these weapons paralyze enemies as well as inflicting physical damage. 1
Hellfire Jutsu

Allows you to ready the Hellfire Feathers.

When used, it inflicts Fire damage and major Ki damage on enemies within range. If an enemy's Ki is depleted, it will inflict major Fire damage instead.

Eight Cold Hells Jutsu

Allows you to ready the feathers of the Eight Cold Hells.

When used, it inflicts Water damage and major Ki damage on enemies within range. If an enemy's Ki is depleted, it will inflict major Water damage instead.

Thunderous Hell Jutsu

Allows you to ready Thunderous Hell Feathers.

When used, it inflicts Lightning damage and major Ki damage on enemies within range. If an enemy's Ki is depleted, it will inflict major Lightning damage instead.

Flame Dragon Jutsu You summon a tornado of fire around you and then shoot a homing ball of flame at an enemy. Both the tornado and the ball deal damage. High Flame Accumulation. Boss Skill
Umbral Bullet Jutsu You charge and then fire a large, fast ball of Ki energy that goes through multiple targets, dealing a large amount of physical damage Boss Skill 
Concealment Mystic Art Increases Damage dealt by ranged weapons or throwing items. 1
Enlightenment Mystic Art

Allows you to perform Ninjutsu on yourself faster, ad extends the duration of its beneficial effects.




Axe Skills  ♦  Dual Swords Skills  ♦  Hatchet Skills  ♦  Hatchets Skills  ♦  Kusarigama Skills  ♦  Odachi Skills  ♦  Onmyo Magic Skills  ♦  Samurai Skills  ♦  Shiftling Skills  ♦  Spear Skills  ♦  Splitstaff Skills  ♦  Switchglaive Skills  ♦  Sword Skills  ♦  Tonfa Skills



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    • Anonymous

      Not sure why the devs decided Ninjutsu should be able to inflict every type of damage.

      Omnyo is so underwhelming compared to it in this game...

      • Anonymous

        So you dont get Ninja skill points by putting points into DEX like in the first game? You have to actually use ninja stuff you pick up from the ground and thats the only way except Hair locks to get skill points for it? I guess that doesnt force you into leveling DEX just to get some skills

        • Anonymous

          Salve sono nuovo, riguardo agli alberi abilità e le abilità di livello, sii riescono a completare tutte? O c’è un numero massimo di punti?

          • Anonymous

            You need 30,000 proficiency to unlock the Adept training, 100,000 to unlock the Veteran training, and 200,000 to unlock the Mystic Arts.

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