Oni Shibata Armor

oni shibata armor set nioh2 wiki guide

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Set BNS The Bold and the Boorish (5 Pieces)

Oni Shibata Armor is an Armor in Nioh 2Nioh 2 armor is divided into 5 categories: Head ArmorTorso ArmorArm GuardsLeg Guards and Foot Guards. Each piece of equipment has a level, weight, durability and multiplier assigned to it, apart from additional status effects that the equipment can apply. Armor is color coded by their rarity: CommonUncommonRareExotic, Divine and Ethereal. The rarer the item, the more beneficial status effects it will possess.


Location/How to Get Oni Shibata Armor

Notes and Tips

  • Can be Soul Matched to your highest Armor piece level
  • Available in Common, Uncommon, Rare and One of a Kind qualities
  • Can be sold to the Blacksmith or Offered at a Shrine
  • Stats can be rerolled at the Blacksmith
  • In terms of appearance, this is a more unique version of the Yoriki Armor

Piece Information

Oni Shibata's Helmet

oni shibata's helmet nioh 2 wiki guide 150px
vs physicalvs. Physical 3.8 vs fireVs. Fire 2.0
vs waterVs. Water 0.0 vs lightningvs. Lightning 0.0
vs poisonvs. Poison 0.0 vs paralysisvs. Paralysis 0.0
stamina nioh 2 wikiStamina req 14 strength nioh 2 wikiStrength req 15
Weight 5.7    

Oni Shibata's Cuirass

oni shibata's cuirass nioh 2 wiki guide 150px
vs physicalvs. Physical 7.8 vs fireVs. Fire 4.0
vs waterVs. Water 4.6 vs lightningvs. Lightning 0.0
vs poisonvs. Poison 0.0 vs paralysisvs. Paralysis 4.0
stamina nioh 2 wikiStamina req 14 strength nioh 2 wikiStrength req 15
Weight 11.4    

Oni Shibata's Gauntlets

oni shibata's gauntlets armor nioh 2 wiki guide 150px
vs physicalvs. Physical 3.8 vs fireVs. Fire 2.0
vs waterVs. Water 0.0 vs lightningvs. Lightning 0.0
vs poisonvs. Poison 0.0 vs paralysisvs. Paralysis 2.0
stamina nioh 2 wikiStamina req 14 strength nioh 2 wikiStrength req 15
Weight 5.7    


Oni Shibata's Waistguard

oni shibata's waistguard nioh 2 wiki guide 150px
vs physicalvs. Physical 5.8 vs fireVs. Fire 3.0
vs waterVs. Water 0.0 vs lightningvs. Lightning 0.0
vs poisonvs. Poison 0 vs paralysisvs. Paralysis 3.0
stamina nioh 2 wikiStamina req 14 strength nioh 2 wikiStrength req 15
Weight 8.6    

Oni Shibata's Greaves

oni shibata's greaves armor nioh 2 wiki guide 150px
vs physicalvs. Physical 3.8 vs fireVs. Fire 2.0
vs waterVs. Water 0.0 vs lightningvs. Lightning 2.2
vs poisonvs. Poison 0.0 vs paralysisvs. Paralysis 2.0
stamina nioh 2 wikiStamina req 14 strength nioh 2 wikiStrength req 15
Weight 5.7    


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