Online Missions in Nioh 2 is a new Mission category which is included in 1.09 Patch version. In this type of missions players partake through side activities of the game that advances side plots of the game. Players can receive special rewards for completing a sub-mission for the first time and subsequent times, this page covers a full list of all the Online Missions in the game.
These are essentially the exact same as any other side mission, except they are not required for completion for the relevant Trophies and do not count for advancement through New Game plus. You do not need to be connected online to play them.
If you want to see a quick list of the sub-missions, use the Missions page instead, as this page shows rewards and info for each sub-quest.
Nioh 2 Online Missions

The Child Prodigy's Invitation
Recommended Level: 75
Prerequisite: Complete The Golden Nation

The Chinese Bellflower Dagger
Recommended Level: 65
Prerequisite: Complete A Way Out
- Onmyo Mage's Locks x1
- Divination Board
- Sacred Brush x1
- Sacred Water x2
- 24850 Gold
- 8688 Amrita

The Trustworthy
Recommended Level: 118
Prerequisite: Complete The Blue-eyed Samurai
- Samurai's Locks x1
- Tambokiri (LIGHTNING)
- Hanso The Demon's Spear
- Highest Quality Tamahagane x5
- 120000 Gold
- 80776 Amrita

Wave of Terror
Recommended Level: 119
Prerequisite: Complete In the Eye of the Beholder
- Quality Umbrice x1
- Ryomen Sukuna's Bow
- Highest Quality Tamahagane x1
- Demon's Horn x2
- 64800 Gold
- 95373 Amrita

Winds of Ruin
Recommended Level: 119
Prerequisite: Complete The Blue-eyed Samurai
- Samurai's Locks x1
- Black Lotus
- Highest Quality Lacquer x5
- Whetstone x2
- 61200 Gold
- 69576 Amrita

Calamity's Pulse
Recommended Level: 120
Prerequisite: Complete In the Eye of the Beholder
- Quality Umbracite x1
- Sanmyo Blade Fragment x1
- EQUIPMENT (Divine)
- Shuten Doji's Red Hair x1
- 65600 Gold
- 99873 Amrita
- Anonymous
I hate this guy with every fiber of my being. It’s not even about being good they literally made this guy way OP to what level you are generally at at this point. Tanky with ridiculously homing range. Fighting another human is more fun than this trash. One major mission I’ve collectively hated about nioh right here
- Anonymous
Some of these, like the Chinese Bellflower, aren't even worth the blood, sweat, and tears for the reward for completing it. I think the first one that unlocks (haven't unlocked amy others yet) is a game dev trolling.
- Anonymous
After some research because I too wondered why these where "online" I *think* they're called that because they where added via a patch. Aka. to show that these where added later "online"? Even if that's the case it's a bit of a rubbish name imo.
- Anonymous
what the **** do they mean "online missions" there is not a single online aspect to this
remember "invitation from the warrior of the west" from nioh 1?
now imagine it with projectiles.
level 65, yeah, okay.
- Anonymous
Whoa, the engrish of the description... of the game, of the game, of the game.
- Anonymous
Why are they called online missions? Some of them are duels against npc's. You cant co op with them. Can you only play them when you're online?
- Anonymous
Why call it Online when you dont even have to be online to play it?
Feels like retarded localization by retarded Americans that dont know japanese and cant translate properly.