Principal Governor's Greaves is a Heavy Foot Guards in Nioh 2. Foot Guards protect the feet of the player and can have varying degrees of quality and level, just like Weapons. In addition, they can provide Toughness bonus, physical, and elemental protection to your character. Heavy Armor, Usually provides better protection, at the cost of movement and dodge speed. Toughness makes you deplete less Ki when Blocking, so if you wish to Block more often, consider wearing Armor that provides more. Usually the heavier Armor the better.
Principal Governor's Greaves Description
A pair of black lacquered greaves, with not a single gap to be found all the way down to the toes.
Part of a set of armor worn by the heads of noble families appointed as military governors by the shogunate. Despite the large number of retainers supplanting their lords to rise to the rank of daimyo, the principal governors remained in a class of their own when it came to power.
Location: Where to Find Principal Governor's Greaves
- Dropped by: ??
- Dropped by: ??
Materials Needed to Craft Principal Governor's Greaves
- Ingot x1
- Iron Platelet x3
- Leather Cord x2
- Lacquer x2
- 3710 Gold
Principal Governor's Greaves Notes & Trivia
- See Blacksmith for more information.
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