Relentless I (Odachi Skills)

Relentless I (Odachi Skills)
Skill Point Cost
Skill Type

Relentless I (Odachi Skills) is one of the Odachi Skills in Nioh2. Relentless I is a passive skill that increases your Maximum Ki when you are equipped with an odachi as your main weapon.


Relentless I (Odachi Skills) Description

Maximum Ki increases by +30 when you have an odachi equipped as your main weapon.


Builds that use Relentless I (Odachi Skills)

  • ???


Relentless I (Odachi Skills) Notes

  • Notes on this skill go here



Odachi Skills
Armor Piercer (Odachi) I  ♦  Armor Piercer (Odachi) II  ♦  Armor Piercer (Odachi) III  ♦  Armor Piercer I (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Armor Piercer II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Armor Piercer III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Bolting Boar  ♦  Charging Bull  ♦  Clarity  ♦  Crashing Waves  ♦  Cuckoo's Call  ♦  Dawn's Light  ♦  Defense Arts (Odachi) I  ♦  Defense Arts (Odachi) II  ♦  Defense Arts (Odachi) III  ♦  Defense Arts I (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Defense Arts II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Defense Arts III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Devastating Rush  ♦  First Rule of Thrusting (Odachi)  ♦  First Rule of Thrusting (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Groundquake  ♦  Imperative Strike  ♦  Moonlit Snow  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife (Odachi) I  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife (Odachi) II  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife (Odachi) III  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife I (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Passage to the Afterlife III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Relentless (Odachi) I  ♦  Relentless (Odachi) II  ♦  Relentless (Odachi) III  ♦  Relentless II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Relentless III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Retrograde Flow  ♦  Second Rule of Thrusting (Odachi)  ♦  Second Rule of Thrusting (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike (Odachi) I  ♦  Shadow Strike (Odachi) II  ♦  Shadow Strike (Odachi) III  ♦  Shadow Strike I (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Shadow Strike III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Sunset Breeze: Earth I  ♦  Sunset Breeze: Heaven  ♦  Sunset Breeze: Man  ♦  Swallow's Wing  ♦  Swallow Wing  ♦  Sword of Severance I  ♦  Sword of Severance II  ♦  Sword of Severance III  ♦  Tachi Arts I (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Tachi Arts II (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Tachi Arts III (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Tail Strike  ♦  Third Rule of Thrusting (Odachi)  ♦  Third Rule of Thrusting (Odachi Skills)  ♦  Tiger's Blade  ♦  Twin Moons  ♦  Undaunted  ♦  Waking Winds: Earth  ♦  Waking Winds: Heaven  ♦  Waking Winds: Man


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