Type Projectiles
Carry Limit ???

NAME is a Projectile in Nioh 2. Projectiles are offensive items that are used in battle to inflict damage and various status abnormalities against enemies.


NAME Information

Special bullets propelled by a large amount of gunpowder. Highly destructive, with a great deal of penetrating power.


NAME Effect

  • Highly destructive, with a great deal of penetrating power.


NAME Required Material for Crafting


NAME Location/Where to Find

  • Dropped by ??
  • Found at ??
  • Sold by ??



Arrow  ♦  Bliding Shells  ♦  Burning Oil Jar  ♦  Caltrop Ball  ♦  Explosive Rounds  ♦  Fire Shuriken  ♦  Gunpowder Bomb  ♦  Hamaya Arrow  ♦  Hand Cannon Ammunation  ♦  Iga Enhanced Shrapnel Bomb  ♦  Iga Gunpowder Bomb  ♦  Iga Shrapnel Bomb  ♦  Kunai  ♦  Mud Jar  ♦  Paralysis Shuriken  ♦  Poison Arrow  ♦  Rakansen Coin  ♦  Rifle Ammunition  ♦  Roaring Gun Ammunition  ♦  Sacred Arrow  ♦  Shrapnel Bomb  ♦  Shuriken  ♦  Smoke Ball  ♦  Storm Kunai  ♦  Stun Arrow


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