Seki Kaneyoshi Dual Tachi

heart-nioh-2-wiki Heart Bonus C+ Break 45
strength-nioh-2-wiki Strength Bonus D+  Block 56
skill-nioh-2-wiki Skill Bonus B+     

Special Effect

fixed-icon-nioh2-wiki-guideHigh Attack Damage

Seki Kaneyoshi Dual Tachi is one of the Dual Swords in Nioh 2. Dual swords scale very well with the skill stat, so if your Build has high Skill, consider using this Weapon type.


Seki Kaneyoshi Dual Tachi Description

A set of long and short tachi forged by the swordsmith Kaneyoshi of Seki in Mino Province. Longer and more deeply curved than uchigatana, they are designed to be swung downward.


Location: Where to Find Seki Kaneyoshi Dual Tachi


Materials Needed to Craft Seki Kaneyoshi Dual Tachi


Seki Kaneyoshi Dual Tachi Notes & Trivia

  • See Blacksmith to understand weapon inheritance and properties.
  • ??




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