Seven Stars Kata I

passive skill nioh 2 wiki guide
Skill Point Cost
Skill Type
Cleared Mission: The Way of the Warrior: Novice
Side Splitter
Fill the Void

Seven Stars Kata I is one of the Splitstaff Skills in Nioh 2. Seven Stars Kata I is a passive ability that increases melee damage from splitstaffs against enemies that have zero Ki or less by 4%.


Seven Stars Kata I Description

Increases melee damage from splitstaffs against enemies that have zero Ki or less by 4%


Seven Stars Kata I Notes

  • Tips, Builds and Notes go here
  • The "Seven Stars Kata" may be referring to the seven key acupoints on the body. They are: the head star at the Baihu point, the shoulder star at the Jianjing point, the elbow star at the Quchi point, the hand star at the Laogong point, the hip star at the Huantiao point, the knee star at the Yanglingquan point, and the foot star at the Yongquan point. The body is divided into two sides: the Yang side (the inactive side, i.e. the unweighted leg upon which rests little to none of the body's weight) and the Yin side (the active side, i.e. the weighted leg upon which rests most or all of the body's weight), where the Yang-side arm is opposite the Yang-side leg, and the Yin-side arm is opposite the Yin-side leg; these stars are located on the Yang side, so that they cross the entire body (from the right leg to the left arm, for example).






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