Sharp Old Hag |
Anima | 4 |
Attunement | 5 |
Sharp Old Hag is a Yokai Skill in Nioh 2. Sharp Old Hag is unlocked by attuning a Yamanba Soul Core to your Spirit Guardian, enabling you to perform this unique skill.
Sharp Old Hag Effects
The player briefly assumes the form of a Yamanba, sharpening their knives and giving them self a 50.0% melee damage multiplier before thrusting with one of the knives.
How to get Sharp Old Hag
- Attune: Yamanba Soul Core
Sharp Old Hag Notes & Tips
- Applies damage buff that last for a moment.
- Anonymous
I’d like to point out that you get some sort of damage buff after using this
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For those of you who came here solely for this:The buff lasts 20 seconds by default.