Silabar Ingot |
[IMG] | |
Type | Smithing Material |
Max. Player Capacity | ??? |
Silabar Ingot is a Smithing Material in Nioh 2. Smithing Materials are used by blacksmiths to forge and/or upgrade various Weapons and Armor. These materials can be obtained in various ways, such as rewards from completing Missions, dropped by Enemies, Bosses, randomly looted at various locations, or it can also be found inside chests.
Silabar Ingot Information
This ingot is made of a special kind of silver that allows you to store and use Amrita easily. The technique of infusing Amrita into silabar is a closely guarded secret of the master smiths who use spirit stones. Only when they are sure beyond any doubt that their customer can be trusted will they accept work involving this prized metal.
Silabar Ingot Effect
- Grants X Amrita when used
Silabar Ingot Required Material for Crafting
- ??
Silabar Ingot Location/Where to Find
- Dropped by ??
- Found at ??
- Sold by ??
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what does this even do? man imagine a wiki that doesn't actually do the one thing a wiki should do. I would like some information on this