
heart-nioh-2-wiki Heart Bonus B+ Break 59
strength-nioh-2-wiki Strength Bonus Block 40
skill-nioh-2-wiki Skill Bonus    

Special Effect

fixed-icon-nioh2-wiki-guideLow Attack Ki Consumption

Spear is one of the Spears in Nioh 2. Spears scale primarily off of the Constitution Stat, but also scale off of Strength and Skill, so if your Build has high Constitution, consider using this Weapon type.


Spear Description

A plain spear with a simple wooden shaft. Its length and its ability to be swung across a wide arc make it ideal for thrusting attacks, but these advantages become liabilities if enemies get in close.


Location: Where to Find Spear

  • Dropped by: ??
  • Dropped by: ??


Materials Needed to Craft Spear


Spear Notes & Trivia

  • See Blacksmith to understand weapon inheritance and properties.
  • ??



Birdflight Cross Spear  ♦  Bishamon Spear  ♦  Bonepile Spear  ♦  Bullhead Cross Spear  ♦  Captain's Spear  ♦  Coin Threader  ♦  Crescent Cross Spear  ♦  Cross Spear  ♦  Demon Horde Spear  ♦  Footsoldier's Spear  ♦  Great Chidori Cross Spear  ♦  Great Holly Spear  ♦  Greatspear  ♦  Hanso The Demon's Spear  ♦  Hanzo the Demon's Spear  ♦  Hayakaze Spear  ♦  Hinomotogo  ♦  Hozion Cross Spear  ♦  Hozoin Cross Spear  ♦  Koroka Spear  ♦  Lacquered Spear  ♦  Leaf Tip Spear  ♦  Legion Spear  ♦  Mataza's Long Spear  ♦  Officer's Spear  ♦  Otegine  ♦  Potsticker Spear  ♦  Realmtaker Spear  ♦  Red Demon Spear  ♦  Sakon's Spear  ♦  Sickle Spear  ♦  Squire's Cross Spear  ♦  Stone-Splitter Cross Spear  ♦  Swan Spear  ♦  Tiger of Higo's Spear  ♦  Tombokiri  ♦  Tombokiri (LIGHTNING)  ♦  Torch Spear  ♦  Vassal's Cross Spear  ♦  Vermillion Spear  ♦  Warrior's Cross Spear  ♦  Wooden Spear  ♦  Yamauba Spear


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