The Way of the Onmyo: Veteran

Mission Type Training Mission
Recommended Level 52


Onmyo Mage's Locks x1

Divination Board

Sacred Brush x2


Cleared Mission: Pervading Waters

Onmyo magic Proficiency: 100000

You can only use specified items and equipments for this mission.

The Way of the Onmyo: Veteran is a Tutorial Mission in Nioh 2. This mission is recommended for level 52, and tasks players with completing the tutorial objective of using magic and managing Onmyo Magic Skills.


Mission Text

Mission Start Text

Hm... It is impressive indeed to see how far you have come.
Perhaps it is time to pass on some even greater magic.
Should you overcome this challenge, you can take your place as one of the top Onmyo mages. But naturally such power will not be given easily.
Are you ready?


Mission Complete Text

Most impressive.  You have already surpassed the level of most Onmyo mages.

I would go as far to say you have within you the power to restore balance to this world. I would only ask that you refrain from misusing this power, as my one time rival Doman did.

Remember also not to neglect your studies. I sense you have yet to reach the end of your path.


The Way of the Onmyo: Veteran Walkthrough

Enemies and Yokai in this mission:
NPCs in this mission:
  • Abe no Seimei


Your magic proficiency must be at least 100,000 or more to start this tutorial mission, you can gain proficiency points by using onmyo magic in battle. Players arrive at a place very like where the place before the boss of The Viper's Sanctum. Players will find Abe no Seimei ahead. Prepare the magic skills and walk up. The first yokai that will appear is a Tesso. After killing it, the next yokai will be two Oni-bis and a One-eyed Imp. Make sure to kill the One-eyed imp quickly because if it licks you it will turn into an One-eyed Oni shortly.  After killing them an Ubume will spawn with the dark realm. Use the magic items (Like Sloth Talisman) to your advantage. Killing all the yokai completes this training mission.





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    • Anonymous

      I think you have to progress story, because I had 600k and still didn't unlock this mission, then suddenly it appeared in Dojo after beating first mission in the 4th region.

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