Triple Threat |
Boss Skill | |
Skill Type |
Active |
Dropped By |
Maeda Toshiie |
Triple Threat is one of the Spear Skills in Nioh2. It is a Boss Skill dropped by Maeda Toshiie that gains damage with proper Ki pulse timing
Triple Threat Description
Press Triangle to perform up to three powerful stabs in succession. Each additional stab executes a Ki Pulse that will alter your technique if performed with the right timing (recovering the maximum amount of Ki).
Command: L1+Triangle (Triangle while Guarding)
Triple Threat Notes
- The Ki Pulse timing is reminiscent of a regular Ki Pulse, albeit pressing the Strong Attack button instead of the usual Ki Pulse Button after using the skill.
- When the timing is off for either of the 2 successive thrusts, the last strike will come out significantly slower. Timing the 2 attacks to the proper Ki Pulse timing will make the last strike deal an extra flourish on top of a powerful thrust.
- Perfect Ki Pulses through Triple Threat will activate Ki Pulse: Earth/Man/Heaven depending on where the ability is placed
- Anonymous
This skill has great damage, amazing reach and hyperarmor. Must have for the spear imo
Load more
So, farming this wasn't too hard but took some time.
Go to the Dream region bottom right "Mataza of the Spear" and farm him. Dropped on normal difficulty (Dream of the Samurai).
Took me about 40-50 tries for Triple Threat and about 30 for Bracing Breeze.
For the absolute fastest farm bind the "Divine Branch Fragment" to your keybinds and immediately use it after you picked up the loot, doesn't matter if the Mission Complete pops up or not you only lose the exp, which is about 135k and really not that much considering the time you waste on double speaking and the mission summary after.
Such a pushover lol