Vs. Fire

Resistance to Fire-based attacks.

Vs. Fire is a Stat in Nioh 2. This page contains information regarding Fire Stats.


Vs. Fire



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Agility  ♦  Anima (Stat)  ♦  Attack (Melee Weapon 1)  ♦  Attack (Melee Weapon 2)  ♦  Attack (Ranged Weapon 1)  ♦  Attack (Ranged Weapon 2)  ♦  Block (Melee Weapon 1)  ♦  Block (Melee Weapon 2)  ♦  Break (Melee Weapon 1)  ♦  Break (Melee Weapon 2)  ♦  Break (Ranged Weapon 1)  ♦  Break (Ranged Weapon 2)  ♦  Constitution  ♦  Courage  ♦  Dexterity  ♦  Equipment Weight  ♦  Heart  ♦  Ki (Stat)  ♦  Ki Recovery Speed (Stat)  ♦  Level  ♦  Life (Stat)  ♦  Magic  ♦  Ninjutsu Power (Stat)  ♦  Onmyo Magic Power (Stat)  ♦  Skill (Stat)  ♦  Stamina  ♦  Strength  ♦  Toughness (Stat)  ♦  vs. Lightning  ♦  vs. Paralysis  ♦  Vs. Physical  ♦  vs. Poison  ♦  vs. Water


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