Wooden Sword

heart-nioh-2-wiki Heart Bonus B+ Break 50
strength-nioh-2-wiki Strength Bonus C Block 41
skill-nioh-2-wiki Skill Bonus C    

Special Effect

fixed-icon-nioh2-wiki-guideProficiency Bonus

Wooden Sword is one of the Sword Weapons in Nioh 2. The Wooden Sword , like all swords, has a good balance between offense and defense, and is a good choice if you aren't sure what sort of Enemies you will be facing. Swords also scale very well with the Heart stat, so if your Build has high Heart, consider using this Weapon type.


Wooden Sword Description

A sturdy oaken practice sword. So hard that it won't break no matter how furiously it connects with an opponent. In fact, deaths from hits during training are not uncommon.


Location: Where to Find Wooden Sword


Materials Needed to Craft Wooden Sword

  • Wood x5


Wooden Sword Notes & Trivia

  • See Blacksmith to understand weapon inheritance and properties.
  • This weapon is considered a Striking weapon, as opposed to other swords, which are Slashing weapons, as this sword has no blade. This means it does 25% less melee damage and 25% more Ki damage compared to an identical weapon.



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