Yoshitsune Set

yoshitsune armor set nioh2 wiki guide

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Set BNS Kurama Swordmaster

Yoshitsune Set is an Armor in Nioh 2Nioh 2 armor is divided into 5 categories: Head ArmorTorso ArmorArm GuardsLeg Guards and Foot Guards. Each piece of equipment has a level, weight, durability and multiplier assigned to it, apart from additional status effects that the equipment can apply. Armor is color coded by their rarity: CommonUncommonRareExotic, Divine and Ethereal. The rarer the item, the more beneficial status effects it will possess.


Location/How to Get Yoshitsune Set

  • Type: Light Armor
  • Buy from ?
  • Dropped by Yoshitsune in the main mission "Eternal Rivals" and the side mission "Bond of the Blade"

Notes and Tips

Piece Information

Yoshitsune's Helmet

placeholder sets
vs physicalvs. Physical ?? vs fireVs. Fire ??
vs waterVs. Water ?? vs lightningvs. Lightning ??
vs poisonvs. Poison ?? vs paralysisvs. Paralysis ??
constitution nioh 2 wikiConstitution req ?? strength nioh 2 wikiStrength req ??
Weight ??    

Yoshitsune's Cuirass

placeholder sets
vs physicalvs. Physical ?? vs fireVs. Fire ??
vs waterVs. Water ?? vs lightningvs. Lightning ??
vs poisonvs. Poison ?? vs paralysisvs. Paralysis ??
constitution nioh 2 wikiConstitution req ?? strength nioh 2 wikiStrength req ??
Weight ??    

Yoshitsune's Gauntlets

placeholder sets
vs physicalvs. Physical ?? vs fireVs. Fire ??
vs waterVs. Water ?? vs lightningvs. Lightning ??
vs poisonvs. Poison ?? vs paralysisvs. Paralysis ??
constitution nioh 2 wikiConstitution req ?? strength nioh 2 wikiStrength req ??
Weight ??    


Yoshitsune's Waistguard

placeholder sets
vs physicalvs. Physical ?? vs fireVs. Fire ??
vs waterVs. Water ?? vs lightningvs. Lightning ??
vs poisonvs. Poison ?? vs paralysisvs. Paralysis ??
constitution nioh 2 wikiConstitution req ?? strength nioh 2 wikiStrength req ??
Weight ??    

Yoshitsune's Greaves

placeholder sets
vs physicalvs. Physical ?? vs fireVs. Fire ??
vs waterVs. Water ?? vs lightningvs. Lightning ??
vs poisonvs. Poison ?? vs paralysisvs. Paralysis ??
constitution nioh 2 wikiConstitution req ?? strength nioh 2 wikiStrength req ??
Weight ??    


Ancient Armor  ♦  Archer Armor  ♦  Arrowsbane Armor  ♦  Benkei Armor  ♦  Blessed Sleeve Armor  ♦  Brave Demon Hunter Armor  ♦  Brawler Armor  ♦  Child of the Sun Armor  ♦  Conqueror Armor  ♦  Courtier Armor  ♦  Demon Horde Armor  ♦  Demon Slayer Armor  ♦  Diehard Armor  ♦  Dreaming Demon Armor  ♦  Eccentric Armor  ♦  Exorcist Armor  ♦  Ferryman Armor  ♦  Firestarter Armor  ♦  First Samurai Armor  ♦  Flying Kato's Armor  ♦  Flying Kato's Attire  ♦  Footsoldier Armor  ♦  Four Great Commanders Armor  ♦  Fuma Ninja Armor  ♦  Gallant Armor  ♦  Genmei Onmyo Mage's Armor  ♦  Genryu Armor  ♦  Golden Gourd Armor  ♦  Governor's Armor  ♦  Great Hachiryo Armor  ♦  Greater Good Armor  ♦  Heirloom Armor  ♦  High Priest Armor  ♦  Horse Guard Armor  ♦  Hyuga Director's Armor  ♦  Iga Jonin Armor  ♦  Imakomei Armor  ♦  Imperial Monk Armor  ♦  Irregular Armor  ♦  Justice Ministry Armor  ♦  Kawanami Clan Armor  ♦  Kingo Armor  ♦  Kintaro's Armor  ♦  Kobo Daishi Armor  ♦  Kohoku Master Armor  ♦  Legendary Shogun Armor  ♦  Legendary Strategist's Armor  ♦  Lone Wolf Armor  ♦  Malefactor Armor  ♦  Master Archer Armor  ♦  Master Swordsman Armor  ♦  Mataza Armor  ♦  Merchant Armor  ♦  Mikawa Armor  ♦  Million Demon Armor  ♦  Mino Veteran Armor  ♦  Moonprayer Armor  ♦  Mounted Archer Armor  ♦  Nanban Armor  ♦  Night Raider Armor  ♦  Obsidian Armor  ♦  One-Eyed Dragon's Armor  ♦  Oni Shibata Armor  ♦  Onmyo Hunting Armor  ♦  Onmyo Warrior Armor  ♦  Pit Viper Armor  ♦  Platemail Armor  ♦  Principal Governor Armor  ♦  Raging Bull Armor  ♦  Red Demon Armor  ♦  Rogue Armor  ♦  Ronin Armor  ♦  Saika Clan Armor  ♦  Samurai General Armor  ♦  Samurai Noble Armor  ♦  Sanada's Crimson Armor  ♦  Scion of Tamura Armor  ♦  Scout Armor  ♦  Servant of the Gods Armor  ♦  Shinobi Armor  ♦  Sincere Buddha Armor  ♦  Sohaya Armor  ♦  Sohaya Garb Armor  ♦  Suzuka Armor  ♦  Swallowtail Armor  ♦  Tactician Armor  ♦  Taira no Kagekiyo's Armor  ♦  Taira no Kagekiyo Armor  ♦  Tatenashi Armor  ♦  The Exceptional One Armor  ♦  Thief Armor  ♦  Tiger of Higo Armor  ♦  Tigerskin Armor  ♦  Tosa Governor's Armor  ♦  Trident Vajra Sword Armor  ♦  Tsuchigumo Armor  ♦  Veteran's Armor  ♦  Vice Minister Armor  ♦  Wandering Shrine Maiden Armor  ♦  Warlord Armor  ♦  Warrior of the East Armor  ♦  Warrior of The West Armor  ♦  Yamabushi Armor  ♦  Yatagarasu Armor  ♦  Yoriki Armor  ♦  Yoshiie's Birthright Armor  ♦  Yoshitsune's Armor  ♦  Youngblood Armor


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    • Anonymous

      Had a piece of that armour in my inventory, sold it and tried to refashion other armour with it and it wasn’t there. Went to the buy back section and everything is there that I sold but this equipment. So the game thinks I’ve never had it yet I saw it with my own eyes. Legit ever since the updates my game has gone from decent to more bugged than a Ubisoft game

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