Shibata Katsuie |
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Enemy Type | Yokai |
Weakness | Poison, Water |
Resistances | Fire |
Immune | ?? |
Special Drop | Deadly Spiral (Hatchet Skill) |
Shibata Katsuie is a Boss and Enemy in Nioh 2. Shibata Katsuie is a Yokai enemy that attacks with tusks like a boar and he uses fire element..
Enemy Description
Shibata Katsuie is chief retainer of the Oda clan, and has served the Oda ever since Nobunaga's father was head of the clan. During his service to Nobunaga's younger brother, Noboyuki, Katsuie stood against Nobunaga as his enemy. Nobunaga later forgave Katsuie and appointed him as chief retainer, a most influential position.
Katsuie is very fond of Maeda Toshiie, in whom he sees his own values of valor and loyalty. On the other hand, he instinctively dislikes Tokichiro, who uses the power of yokai and the Spirit Stones to achieve his ends. While it is difficult for Katsuie to watch Tokichiro earn Nobunaga's praise, he comes to feel differently about the protagonist upon watching the way they hold their own in battle.
With the events that transpire in Honnoji, Tokichiro's ambitions are laid bare, and Katsuie marries Oichi, Nobunaga's younger sister. In the conflict that ensues between Katsuie and Tokichiro, Katsuie finds himself surrounded by the enemy in Kitanosho Castle. Backed into a corner with no alternative in sight, Katsuie uses the Spirit Stones to protect Oichi, transforming into a yokai. Unable to tell friend from foe, Katsuie attacks the protagonist who has come to help him, and is fatally wounded in combat. On the verge of death, he entrusts the protagonist with what is most important to him and apologizes to Oichi before breathing his last.
Upon meeting the protagonist again in the Interim, Katsuie thanks them for stopping him when he was a yokai. The protagonist assists him in eliminating his own lingering spirit and those of his soldiers from the world of the living, allowing Katsuie to finally rest in peace.
Shibata Katsuie Locations & Drops
- Found in Mission
- Found in Sub Mission
- Drop
- In The Shiftling's Wise Judgement and Ruin Draws Near
- Chance to drop the special Hatchet Skill: Deadly Spiral
How to Beat Shibata Katsuie
Shibata Katsuie Boss Guide:
Shibata Katsuie can be found in a small square battlefield. Most of the fight he will be rushing at you from wall to wall.
Try to stay in the middle of the room and avoid his charge attacks. He will usually recover after finishing one of his moves so use the opportunity to strike back.
Using Firestop Talismans and Fire Resistance equipment can be a good idea to increase your durability.
While in the Dark Realm all his attacks will be imbued with fire. He will also gain a new charge using his weapons to move around the battlefield and leaving a trail of fire behind. You can use ki-damaging weapons (f.e.: fists or tonfas) and exploit his low ki by spamming ki-damaging active skills (Battering Ram for the fists, for example) to get him out of the Dark Realm. Usually 2-3 Battering Rams are enough to reduce his ki to 0, where you can switch to a faster, DPS-oriented weapon and wail on him as much as you'd like to. If you manage to land enough hits with any active skill or a Yokai skill (f.e. the Namahage soul core ability), you can stagger him and he will be open for a counter when he returns to the normal world. This method basically nullifies his Dark Realm phases, as if you manage to reduce his max ki even by 20% (on NG, that is), it will be more than enough to use the Battering Ram on him 2x, or later, even just once, to get his ki down to 0.
When Shibata Katsuie uses one of his charge attacks (either the normal charge, or the grab) dodge TOWARDS him, so you roll through the boss and end up behind him. It will stop his charge, so he won't run back and forth in the room, and you get the chance to atack him from behind. It makes the fight much easier than dodging him left and right until he decides to stop.
Attacking his horns during one of his non-grab charge moves deals a large amount of permanent Ki damage. Doing it twice stops his charge attacks.
Blocking either charge attack does not take much Ki. If you have a move that attacks quickly out of block, like Sword of Discernment, this is a safe way to attack his horns.
Attacks & Counters
Attack | Counter |
Phase 1 | |
Fire Boar: He will summon a Fire Boar that runs forward leaving a trail of fire | Dodge either left or right and attack him until he recovers. |
Burst Combo: He will perform a powerful combo with his axes while moving forward | You can burst counter this attack. |
Whirlwind Attack: He will move forward while spinning his axes around him. | Run away from him in the opposite direction and wait for the attack to finish. |
Rush Forward: He will rush to your location trying to stomp you. If he gets close enough, he will attack from below with his weapons | Try to stay in the center of the room and dodge toward him (through him). |
Weapon Rush: He will rush to your location using his axes and leaving a trail of fire behind | Try to stay in the center of the room and dodge toward him (through him). |
Notes & Trivia
• This boss is extremely weak to poison, water and purity.
• Only try to block his charges if you are using heavy armor sets, if you are using light armor sets then dodge will be the way to go.
• Do not be greedy and impatient, the boss has extremely large health pool. But he is weak to poison, so your safest strategy will be just poison him to death or exhaust his ki while running around the arena.
• Using a fast attack weapon is ideal since the player’s main objective is to apply poison, saturated or purity effects and his exhausted time after his charges is short . If you are using a heavy weapon then now is the time to use a different weapon or at least consider using low stance.
• Only try to attack, buff or heal when he has used all of his charge attacks (three times). After that you will have at most three seconds to do everything you want with him. But do not be greedy, a lot of players have fallen because of that mistake.
• Tonfa is extremely effective against this boss. Especially if you can have purity (impure, buff) on it then you don’t even need to active skill, just quick attacks are enough to destroy all of his Ki. Another solid option will be hatchets with impure purity, at this point of the game, you will likely encounter them a lot of times, its fast attacks and ability to keep you at a safe distance with throwing hatchets strong attacks will be extremely valuable in the hands of any players.
• All of his attacks hit like a truck but are extremely well telegraphed. Using sloth talismans and rejuvenation talismans are much more helpful than using Firestop talismans. The main reasons are the Firestop talismans maybe only ever be useful in the boss’s dark realm and even then you will likely still die because of his powerful charges or attacks in heavy armor or be staggered to death in light armor. Sloth talismans are useful in both phases of the boss fight as they can be used to slow all of the boss movements allow you some breathing spaces to attacks, reposition or heal the player health. The rejuvenation talismans will save you from being killed in his continuous charges and in dark phases can even save your life thanks to its healing overtimes will ease the fire damage of the boss.
- Kanji: Yomikata - Lore description.
- Anonymous
Realmente muito difícil tentei várias vezes com ajuda e nada mas no ódio pressionei ele sozinho e consegui de boa kkk
- Anonymous
Pro tip, if you use the odachi, Cuckoo's Call can reliably break his tusks when he charges at you. It's a little inconsistent, but the block of Cuckoo's Call should be able to absorb his charge if you time it right, then the counter-attack will break his tusks. Learning this made the fight a lot easier for me.
- Anonymous
For people getting destroyed by Katsuie in 2024, Brute Burst Counter and Kasha spam make him (and the whole game tbh) braindead easy.
- Anonymous
Also dropped in Ruin Draws Near
- Anonymous
Thanks Shibata! You've saved my playthrough. Was doing a hatches run and wasn't enjoying it much but then you dropped me the deadly spiral skill and now I'm loving it!! Funny how things work out init? :o)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Absolutely awful boss fight what were they thinking? I want to drop this game and never bother with Koei games ever again.
- Anonymous
I used cheat engine to give myself ~25% damage reduction and im not ashamed of it because it made this fight so much fun because i dont die in 2 hits and i actually get to memorize the boss's patterns a.k.a, you know, actually playing the game. I really dont understand why the devs feel like they need to make every boss kill you in two hits, it just feels cheap and exhausting. They made a great game and buried under needless artificial difficulty
- Anonymous
How can anyone enjoy this fight...? I must be missing something, someone please explain.
- Anonymous
I use lightning familiar + sloth + water enchant weapon and his 80%hp bar is blow in under minutes, but 20% last hp is stupid, he is fast even when he electricfied and slow from sloth talisman and charging non stop while cum on ground fire. What is worse than being ****ed by duo boss in nioh 1 => waste time with this ****
- Anonymous
Nioh has such great combat but absolutely dreadful boss design. I'm so bored of the bosses in this game.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This fight is honestly the most fun fight in the entire game, I adore this fight and it really feels like a dance to fight him
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I really had fun with the boss.
Super hard at first but he has quite some weaknesses.
If you can attack his head, with a jumping attack or something then he loses huge amounts of ki and staggers.
Paralysis also very useful to grant you some breathing space. Umbrella or nureonna soul attacks are great for this. Quick cast, cheap and payalsis
I think that if he did his charge attack less frequently and it was a burst attack, people would find this boss a lot easier
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I defeat the boss in 3 attempts, with hatchets and light weight, the boss seemed incredible to me, I go to the comments of the wiki and I see that everyone hates him, sad
- Anonymous
I’ve beat ruin draws near at least 100x maybe even more and STILL haven’t gotten the art of combat for hatchets. Then I was looking up videos of other ppl that have it and I noticed that the spot that deadly spiral goes is already unlocked on my game but what I have is called wild surge 2. So how do I get the art of combat if the spot is already taken by something else I unlocked like a year ago?
- Anonymous
Dunno why the devs made this boss so hard. Probably hardest boss in the base game and I don't find it fun at all.
- Anonymous
Idk why people hate this guy so much he killed me like 3 times and i think he is pretty badass
- Anonymous
For anyone new to this game who had hit a roadblock with this boss..... character and equipment levels matter a lot. Stuck? Level up and come back later. Trying this at Level 70 or below was impossible for me.
- Anonymous
Thanks Nioh! I would say it was fun whilst it lasted but it wasn't. My 1st and last Nioh game.
- Anonymous
Ruin draws near? Yep, this boss has ruined several builds I've tried. Most unfair over powered boss. Not fun, not fun at all
- Anonymous
I hate this boss SO MUCH. I'd totally use blue summon nearby. The AI seem broken, he just stood and eat dmg. But try your best to get so back stabs. With purification talisman, you get 2x or 3x dmg. I use throw hatchet, which safe when summon has agro. When the boss transform, hope your summon still alive for few more second. Unlook your cannon, rifle rounds.
After 50%, I have no idea, just luck. When the boss return to normal, rebuff purification and roll to middle of ring. Never ever stand near wall. Use Burst counter to escape. When he transform again, hopefully your gauge is full as well. If he's at about 25%, just dps him down.
- Anonymous
Stuck on this boss for months, I just cannot figure out a consistent way to battle him. I'm not trying to **** on the devs because of gamer rage since I'm way past that point, but so far out of all the Nioh bosses in the series, his design is the worst. Outrageous damage and HP, a damn water closet of an arena to fight him in, leaves almost no room to get damage in whatsoever AND he wipes the floor with almost any character in 2-3 hits. Absolute garbage design. I'd fight the Giant Centipede from Nioh 1 over him for 10 thousand times. If he at least had reasonable, multi-second openings, I'd say it's perfect, but as he is, it's just taking the piss on players and/or atrocious boss design all in all.
- Anonymous
He gives you an herbal remedy if you use the shoulder pat gesture on him after the fight
Best way I've found to deal with him, and it works really fast, is to go in w/ at least 30 dex and the 1st tier maxed out raijin and yaroka water. you also want some untouched ninjutsu and as much boost to your ninjutsu power as you can get (flying kato's armor works really well here). the idea is to hit him with water the first time you can get him stationary, then lightning, you want to force him into confusion asap. once you manage that, your goal is to obliterate him w/ water jutsu as fast as you can, both depleting his ki and destroying his hp asap. it is also worth mentioning that using kasha right as he starts to hunch over to either charge or grapple you can often break a tusk and interupt him, leaving you yet more room to blast him with water/lightning. he will likely get a dark relm up before you finish him. that is ok, just repeat the process again, water/lightning/confusion, obliterate.
- Anonymous
if you cant dodge through him like i did,block the initial hit of the charge and dodge to the side right away while he does teh follow-up,works unless you get staggered with it
- Anonymous
i prepped poison firebreak and used my corruption switchglaive at the start. with a power pill escape scroll and fast walk right outside the door. had sloth x3 lightning shot x12 watershotx12 and basically did a quick combo in highstnce and rolled away once poison was applied i enchanted weap with water and tried to get confusion on him. brute combo break works when hes charging. lighting shot x2 when he is far and charging to get the lightning debuff on him. It took me some time but the poison ticks helped tremendously
- Anonymous
I just got "Smithing Text: Radiant Flame" from him in Ruin Draws Near NG, don't see it listed but maybe I'm just not seeing the entry somewhere.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Just beat him, took more than 50 tries minimum, i used the poison buff on the weapon and steel talismans which saved me from the one shot grab. This boss fight almost broke the game, and almost the entire genre, for me. I'm starting to notice how "artificial" the difficulty in these games is. Like, in order to make exploration harder they place a sniper (bow, rifle, etc) basically in every area in the game, from mission 1. So... you, as a game a designer, create a really advance fighting system, almost as advanced as an actual 3d fighting game (i mean team ninja is behind it) and then u create obstacles and distractions in E V E R Y step of the game so i can't use that system because im forced, like a ****ing coward, to hide behind **** and shoot them (this is true samurai behavior for sure), only THEN i can start the fun part, which is fighting yokai with every tool at my disposal. Oh and of course in 4 out of 5 bosses you wont be able to use the systen either, because u have to run like a chicken while chipping away bars of every color.
Something is clearly broken here, this could be one of the best action fighting games ever, but nope, because it needs to be HARD, and PUNISHING and all that ****ing **** that souls like games are generating. Honestly, **** this trend.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I don't mind the challenge even though it's totally unfair boss. My biggest issue is how much you need to do to reach it. 2nd boss in one of the largest missions. I want to upgrade my weapon but can't without having all my progress lost. Hard != Fun ;)
- Anonymous
Ignoring this being the worst fight in the game next to the final fight (the latter of which just ramps up damage in each phase to obnoxious degrees), I found it interesting you can fight Katsuie's revenant in Nioh 1. After you get separated from the rest of the final (?) level by a collapsing spirit shard bridge, there's a shrine next to an elevator. If you summon and beat his revenant in front of that elevator, which specifically mentions how he was burned to death (which they didn't completely contradict with Nioh 2), you'll get a small line of dialogue like with all the special revenant summons. Since he doesn't have an individual character page, I figured it was worth mentioning. I'd like to keep an eye out for all of the Nioh 2 characters that make an appearance in 1 if I can. However small.
- Anonymous
Just beat him. Lightning rally helps, as it slow down enemy moves. Especially Guardian spirit talisman, if your guardian uses lightning element.
- Anonymous
Idk if it'll help others but I personally struggled big time with dodging the grab with dash dodges, then switched to high stance with roll dodges and started avoiding it every time. Also started using Gozuki for when he charges and it breaks a tusk guaranteed every time. Made the fight a lot less of a hassle for me, maybe it might help others who have the same dramas.
- Anonymous
for sword users, if you use the spell that adds a ranged energy wave to your high attack, his left tusk is very easy to knock off with the fast high attack. The right one is trickier but I've had luck with heavy high attack. First time I found a use for that particular spell.
- Anonymous
For fists users: This guy gave me heaps of trouble until I switched up my strategy. Masterful slice on mid stance battering ram allowed me to essentially stunlock him into oblivion. About two loops of one heavy attack > battering ram to deplete his Ki and then switch up to whatever high damage options you have (Ryomen Sukuna soul core in my case) will eat through his massive health pool pretty fast. Combine that with something like poison and he shouldn't last too long.
Hitting him with a storm kunai as he charges you can also break one of his tusks, but it's not 100% consistent. It's worth it though, because it makes it even easier to stunlock him. Just make sure you do this at the start of his charge or you won't recover in time and eat damage. Try to have a full Ki bar and sip some sacred water before he enters the dark realm. Don't get too greedy with your battering ram loops, and you should be good.
- Anonymous
I dont need to look at to the screen to see what he is doing, I know he is charging at me
- Anonymous
if you are using brute you can try to burst counter his charging attacks, it will do either phase you completely from the attack, the attack will hit you with the initial hit but he will keep going and ending it behind you, or the counter will hit and snap his tusk away.
- Anonymous
I added some advices in this’s boss note section.Hope it will help you guys defeat it more easily.
- Anonymous
This boss is not easy but if you can defeat the giant snake boss then you guys will surely rape this boss. Keep a cool head and the boss will be defeated in no time.
I have edited and add some of my advices in the notes section of the boss. Hope these advices can help you defeat this boss and sorry for any grammatical errors you may encounter, English is not my main language. If you need any helps, just reply to this comment and I will do my best to help you.
- Anonymous
I beat him yesterday without even touching him with my Odachi. Poison/Water Ninjutsu/Onmyo is all you need. I'm level 89, Dexterity 25, Magic 25. I used lvl 3 Poison Shuriken, Blister Beetle-Powder, Water Shot, Geyser Shot and Water Shikigami. Equip accessories with Ninjutsu/Onmyo power bonus (Divination Board, Writing Set). Use low stance and watch your Ki while dodging (I dodged his attacks mostly, blocked only a few, didn't have to use neither Burst Counter or Yokai Skills/Shift). Hit him only after he finishes his combo and gives you a window to attack him. Attack him just once, don't get greedy, his attacks are pretty unpredictable. I used light armor so I could dodge his attacks easily. Honestly, this boss gave me less trouble than the previous one lol. Good luck guys!
- Anonymous
FYI I added some tips to his Dark Realm phases, you can trivialize them very easily and almost "skip" them altogether by depleting his ki. Read the boss guide if you struggle with that phase, you find the info there.
- Anonymous
Never commit to any combos and never attack him from the front. This is a long fight because the boss has a lot of HP and you need to wait for opportunities to attack. Quick weapons can get in 2-4 hits while heavier ones can do 1-2. When he brings the dark realm, just stand back so you have time to dodge his charges. Don't go up to his front unless it's to burst counter. If you bide your time and don't get greedy you can beat this guy.
I finally beat him after at least a hundred tries! If you break his tusks first, it makes this fight much more manageable as he won’t perform his charging attacks while both tusks are broke. He can regrow the tusks sometimes while summoning the dark realm.
In order to break his tusks I interrupt his charges. Best way to do this safely that I found is with kusarigama (“Black Vines” works extremely well). I start off the fight by waiting for him to charge. Once he charges, switch to mid/low stance and use Black Vines to interrupt his charge. You have to figure out the right distance. Too far and you’ll miss. Too close and he’ll hit you before you throw the kusarigama weight. Once his tusks are broke take every opportunity (especially when he whiffs his unblockable) to use Reaper on him. If you have the Tobikura Kusarigama, this helps a lot because it has Life Drain (High Attack). I also used the Gyuki yokai ability to poison him.
- Anonymous
I found out that you can actually block his charge attack and then counterattack to break his tusks. Also, seems like if both of his tusks are broken, he doesn't do his Rush Forward or Weapon Rush attack.
- Anonymous
This is when I figured out you can summon actual players in instead of AI I did it on accident, and after around 5 minutes of grueling fighting both of us took down the boss.
Both of us looked dumbfounded with the look waggle
- Anonymous
Hey! I've heard people struggle alot with this boss, here are my tips for an easy victory.
1. Phantom Burst countee works like a charm for all of his attacks.
2. If you have a larger weapon, blocking his melee attacks will help a lot, considering his tendency to pin you against the wall.
3. Purification and Sloth work wonders in the darkrealm.
4. Use Gyuki soul core, it will do godly ki damage and poison him.
5. Mid-stance is your best friend here.
6. Try to hit his tusks, it helps a lot.
7. Spam Ubume soul core. Devastates his ki. You can either tank a hit and use it, or you can wait until he's done with a charge to obliterate his ki.
I hope this helps with anybody struggling!
- Anonymous
This is The worst boss útil now ! Im giving up , i have died over 100 times. This boss is much overpiwer, i Always k.o b3cause his charge attack with one hit kill damas. I need help.
- Anonymous
if anybody need help still dont gotta use poison use a purity weapon it drains the ki bar fast and more damage
- Anonymous
This is the boss where i think only about one many people still have multiplayer set to search only local/same country cause there aint anybody spawning in my game and i let it be with summoning on for 4:00 - 4:30 hours. I swear 1/10 of the playtime is me being afk.... And no i am not a robot!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
U need try stay behind him. He doesn't have any attack that can hit you there.Iin every attack just roll forward or diagonally forward.and you always be in safe zone behind him.
- Anonymous
Does anyone ever succeeded in rolling through him?? Why take the risk when 1 sidestep will make him miss completely.
Talking about his charge attack btw. If you time your brute counter, you can break his tusks. Do it twice and he won't be able to charge anymore. Dark realm charge is gone too.
After a really long time they can grow back tho, just repeat burst counter.
He will use his shoulder ram/charge more, but that one doesn't chase you across the room.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
My blood pressure went up because of this boss. Not cool, not even a fun fight, just straight up irritating. Use lots of protection talisman and poison.
- Anonymous
Lots of complaints on this one. It took me 30-40 tries using a tanky build with lots of health and I enjoyed it. Like people have said, this **** will give you absolutely no breaks. He will destroy you if you get greedy with hits. Because of that and his large health pool, this fight will take some time and all of it will require you to bear his onslaught and stick with it. A seriously tough fight requiring patience under pressure. Felt that much greater to beat him.
- Anonymous
This is the best-designed boss in the entire game. Die mad.
- Anonymous
He also has the Radiant Flame Hatchet Text in the Ruin Draws Near stage.
- Anonymous
He is one of the more bull crap boss fights but his character development is nice . I originally thought he was a*****but now he was a man who got swallowed by his pride and envy of a younger and obviously less loyal retainer receiving honor and glory from his master.
- Anonymous
About had a heartattack after beating him lol, He takes a bit to get used to but one thing you need to remember is don't block his exploding attacks they will still wreak you, I found that using corruption strips his max ki allowing you to punish him more often or rid him from using the dark realm for too long. Good luck.
- Anonymous
Absolute total and utter failure of basic game design. LOTS of rapid, swingy, impossible to read 360 degree attacks so get near at your own peril. But you have to hit him. But he has *****ing MOUNTAINS of health, so good luck with that too. Livestreamed this piece of***** today and you could see his Ki never truly depleting, and \ or he'd go in or out of Yokai realm MUCH too quickly to properly stagger him. I died *so many times*. I got SO MAD. Between his big hitbox, the idiotic charge attacks, the wild swinging, the MASSIVE length grab attack. Even summoning helper phantoms, it took like six or seven goes and loads of wasted Ochoko cups before he accidentally died. This *one asshole* is legitimately keeping me from wanting to replay the game. I can't even.... Just. How *garbage* this fight is. By the way I was a light-weight agility build. When he shifts in or out of Yokai Realm - screw you, your debuffs are gone, nerd. What's the damn point then?! This? Right here? A staple of bad design, a failure of design basics and a sure sign that the freaking JANITOR programmed this bastard. They need, *need* to patch this fecker. Hopefully out entirely, but more realistically just nerf his*****. Less ki, less idiotic damage, anything and maybe a combination of 2-3 things. Because let me tell you if my light ass with fast and long dodges could barely stay alive , I *pity* the people who use heavy armor and have to tank all the spinning stupidity. I really do.
- Anonymous
Whenever I defeat an annoying boss like him I just throw some salt on the floor.
- Anonymous
I died like 10 times using sloth & weakness but got through the first time using devigorate & weakness. Hope it helps
- Anonymous
So yeah...heavy armor, no ninjitsu, feels like it should be like its own achievement with this guy. Really poorly designed boss for this point in the game. Maybe if Onmyo had unlocked faster casting at this point but nope.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Dodging through him only works about 50% of the time. Plus, with the fact that you have to fight him in a tiny room with a crappy camera that freaks out constantly, this HAS to be the worst designed boss in the game
- Anonymous
I cant imagine fighting this boss without all of the tools and debuffs provided from omnyo magic
- Anonymous
I've found a really easy way to kill the boss, when I've downed him, he only managed to hit me once. The trick is that he has 4 moves you can punish: the charge, the fiery charge, and his fiery boar summoning. When he summons the boar, try to get close to him, because he will usually make a burst attack, so get the free counter. As for the 3 charge attacks, instead of rolling to the side and pray you timed well, just roll TOWARDS the boss. This will stop his charge right away, trigger his attack, but will miss you completely. This also puts you behind the boss, and attacking him from behind deals double damage on him. I think this is the real reason why he has so much HP, because he melts from behind, and you can almost always attack him from behind. I've updatet the Wiki page with this, hope it's not a problem.
- Anonymous
He got some of his moves weakened in the newest patch. I *****ing hated this guy, and if his grab is now weaker than I could not be happier. It's one thing if I'm not prepared for it, but the guy is gigantic. the tracking is insane and he keeps you boxed against the wall with the camera up your ass the whole time. If it was just a *****ing burst counter or something I'd be okay with it, but I have no idea how a lower agility build could even deal with that*****.
- Anonymous
Just as a heads up, you can break his tusks when he charges/grabs at you. You have to do it twice since each time only breaks one tusk, but once they're broken he won't charge at you again. He will still grab though, and with higher frequency since his movepool is smaller, but if you have Feral, you can Burst Countr through it by doing in his direction when he gets close. Aside from that, he's fairly standard but he still hits like a truck so it can be a good idea to buy extra elixirs at the bazaar to use once you get a decent run that breaks both of his tusks. Good luck, he is one hell of an unforgiving fight.
- Anonymous
Faster than sonic Hits like a nuke tanks hits like an MMO boss 20 levels above you. He takes no breaks and barely leaves any openings. How did even a single dev think this is fine?
- Anonymous
I liked this fight the first 40th time, but then it kinda gets old. The worst for me, is the insta-180°-grab after some charges. I absolutely can't see it and it one shot me, pure and simple. The rest of the fight is manageable but this particular grab setup just got me killed like 80% of all the attemps I've made so far. Just a tad less HP could make this boss still a good challenge but less of a hassle, just sayin'.
- Anonymous
Guys I see lot of negative comments. Just prepare in the right way for the bossfight. Nioh is base on numbers and %. Is not that hard the game if u take your time to undestand the mechanics of it (the smithing, the affinity ecc.ecc). The game give you ALL the tools to DESTROY every single bossfight at the first time.
- Anonymous
Why do I always die when I need one more hit on the boss. Lol
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
*****in bull*****of a boss. Make one *****in mistake and you are dead. And the fight lasts 5 min. ***** this*****.
- Anonymous
Does he just drop a mortal soul core or does he have his own unique soul core?!
- Anonymous
Yeah, second that. ***** this boss honestly. Insane health and insanely annoying spammy charge moves.
- Anonymous
I like how every other yokai human before this can distinguish between friend and foe but this guy can't. I was so confused as to why we are fighting him.