Swords are Weapons in Nioh 2. This weapon works in conjunction with the Sword Skills skill tree, and usually has good scaling with the Heart stat. However, Strength and Skill also play a part in the damage they do. This page covers a full list of Swords in Nioh 2 and information about their stats.
Quick Summary |
Pros |
Cons |
There are two types of swords, as shown by the weapon icon on the weapon card. The only difference is that swords with a deeper curved icon have slightly higher scaling with Skill at the cost of slightly lower scaling with Strength, while those with a straighter edge have more of an equal scaling between both of them.
Swords are the most versatile melee weapons in the game, having access to the most active skills of every weapon and nearly every tool you can have in a melee weapon, from area of effect attacks (Sword Ki and Severing Spin), long range attacks/offense starters (Tiger Sprint and True and Through), high Ki damage attacks (Sword Ki, Kick and Shadow Sword), and evasive attacks with invincibility/armor (Swallow Sword II, Swift Step and Flowing Shadow). It mainly specializes in high damage attacks from a single hit or short burst (Sheathed Attacks, Sword of Meditation and Omnislice), very strong off-hand options with its fast, high damage Flash Attack and its three very useful Sheath Attacks of Iai Quickdraw, Night Rain and Tiger Sprint
and finally arguably the best parry against Human enemies in Backwave. It also incidentally is one of the better weapons to use for a ranged weapon or throwing weapon build, as it has Thrust damage and Melee Damage vs. Unscathed enemy in its skill trees, which will boost the damage of those attacks.
However, in typical all rounder fashion, outside of its burst damage options it doesn't have the best versions of those tools (ie. Severing Spin is generally worse than Whirlwind), and is missing a sustained damage per second attack like Water Sword or a high burst Ki damage like Reaper. It also has the issue early game of being by far the most limited by needing to unlock the weapon skills that tie the weapon together, and it has the most hidden Boss Skills out of any weapon, several of which have very high utility. It also has the least amount of easily accessible melee damage in its skill tree, with the majority of it being Backstab Damage from Shadow Strike or the Mystic Art Sword of Meditation, which is hard to make use of. Overall, it is a very high utility weapon and gives the player the most options and opportunity to express themselves in gameplay.
Below is a list of Swords in Nioh 2, and each Sword has an effect that will ALWAYS be present, no matter what other random bonuses there may be. These effects are listed in the "effect" column. Damage values are not listed since these change by rarity and level, making it difficult to compare them easily. Break and Block are listed, since these do not change with rarity or level.
Every Weapon in the game has Familiarity. The better quality of the weapon, the more Familiarity can be obtained with the weapon, and over time the damage and bonuses of the weapon will improve as the Familiarity increases up to a maximum. This way, using the same weapon over time can yield higher damage than another, even if it's lower level.
Please see Sword Skills for more information.
Agile Archer: Katana & Bow Build
An excellent Katana and Bow Build for mid game players that want to optimize their ranged and melee damage! Click here to read about the Agile Archer Katana and Bow Build.
Nioh 2 Swords
Quick Search of All Swords
- Anonymous
This is one of those games where swords are over-represented. The fact that it's the most common weapon for set effects makes me say you should always have a sword as your secondary weapon to maximize the number of set effects you have available. This strategy is also supported by the highly effective flash attack and sheathed skills.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Many swords missed. Cannot see none of the 5 great weapons of Japan here.
- Anonymous
No love for longswords.