Karamono Katatsuki (Black)

Type Tea Sets
splendor-iconSplendor 117
simplicity-iconSimplicity 10
eccentricity-iconEccentricity 0

Karamono Katatsuki (Black) is a the Tea Sets in Nioh 2. Karamono Katatsuki (Black) provides 117 Splendor, 10 Simplicty and 0 Eccentricity. Tea Sets come in different rarity ratings and various decorations that player can use to remodel their hut with.



Karamono Katatsuki (Black) Information

This Chinese tea caddy is of the katatsuki style, which means it has pronounced angular shoulders. Ever since tea drinking was introduced to Japan all the way until the late Muromachi period, only Chinese tea bowls were used during tea ceremonies. It is said that the tea ceremony was an opportunity for owners of these fine pieces to show them off to their guests.





Karamono Katatsuki (Black) Location/Where to Find

  • Dropped by ??
  • Found at ??
  • Sold by ??



Tea Sets
Fujisan  ♦  Goshomaru  ♦  Ido  ♦  Juko Seiji  ♦  Kaki-no-heta  ♦  Kamuro  ♦  Karamono Bunrin  ♦  Karamono Hyoto  ♦  Karamono Katatsuki  ♦  Karamono Marutsubo  ♦  Katade  ♦  Kofuki  ♦  Korai  ♦  Seto Bunrin  ♦  Seto Hyotan  ♦  Seto Katatsuki  ♦  Seto Katatsuki (Orange)  ♦  Seto Marutsubo  ♦  Seto Naikai  ♦  Seto Naikai (Orange)  ♦  Seto Nasu  ♦  Seto Nasu (White)  ♦  Shichikan Seiji  ♦  Shunkan  ♦  Tenmoku


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