General Information for Nioh 2 refers players to pages with details on the game, its development, upcoming DLC and expansions, as well as specifics on general game mechanics such as Controls, Combat and Gestures. A list of Secrets and accessibility to the FAQ is also provided.
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So just going to say this here.. But there are so many Holes and Miss Info here. Why even try if you are not going to give ALL the Info......Like right now I along others Can Give info on Stat points being able to see whats is gotten from 5 - 99.... Then there is the Skills. I understand Boss Drop Skills not being here (yet) but what about the Other skills that is there, Like Samurai Skill "Deadly Eye" then there is Typos Im sorry but items like the Spirit Stones/Crystals. the two highest one are not the Same Amount one gives more then the other. Fix the***** or dont make the site at all.