Smithing Text: Devotional Helmet |
Type | Smithing Text |
Allows Crafting | Devotional Helmet |
Smithing Text: Devotional Helmet is a Smithing Text in Nioh 2. Smithing Text: Devotional Helmet allows you to craft Devotional Helmet. Smithing Texts are rare and very valuable key items that allow the crafting of additional items at the blacksmith forge.
Talk to the Blacksmith after obtaining a text and you will permanently unlock the ability to craft the equipment detailed in the text. This unlock is only valid for that specific character.
Smithing Text: Devotional Helmet Information
An ancient text on forging Wepons/Armor. It describes the technique for making the "Devotional Helmet"
Smithing Text: Devotional Helmet Unlocks
- Once you visit the Blacksmith you will be able to craft:
- Devotional Helmet
Where to find Smithing Text: Devotional Helmet
- Dropped by Ranmaru Mori, a Revenant located in the Side Mission The Warrior in the Dawn region; however, the grave is not initially available. The conditions to get the Revenant to spawn are as follows:
- Start the Main Mission The Frenzied Blaze
- Summon the Acolytes of his siblings, Bomaru and Rikimaru
- Bomaru is in a corner connected to the building with it's roof on fire on a long straight away with the first blue flame wheelmonk, on the opposite end of that long straight away is a gate. The building has a strongbox chest, skeleton warrior and fire oni-bi inside.
- Rikimaru is past the locked door behind the second shrine. Take a left at the Nurakabe wall and when you get outside look left. Rikimaru is behind the wooden fence. On the other side is a dweller and fire oni-bi.
- Talk to the Obsidian Samurai and he will follow you. After this, go the the large burning building next to the second shrine. A corpse sitting against a lamp post in front of the building to the shrine will have thought amrita; activating it will drop a Devotional Helmet. If everything is done correctly, the Obsidian Samurai will remark "That Helmet..." and Ranmaru's Revenant will become available.
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What's with the convoluted method to get the smiting text? Pretty sure all that's required is to pick up the Devotional Helm in The Frenzied Blade, portal out and then go to The Warrior and fight the revenant.
Never summoned these acolytes so does not seem legit.