Kiryoki's Splitstaff is one of the Splitstaff in Nioh 2. Splitstaff scale primarily off of the Magic Stat, but also scales off of Courage and Strength, so if your Build has high Magic, consider using this Weapon type.
Kiryoki's Splitstaff Description
A splitstaff used by the yokai Kiryoki. Splitstaffs are delicate weapons due to their form-changing mechanism, and are prone to failing in battle when not properly maintained. However-perhaps due to some mysterious power-this particular weapon is unlike its kin, and will retain the flucidity of its many mechanisms no matter how egregiously its keep is neglected.
Location: Where to Find Kiryoki's Splitstaff
- Dropped by: Kiryoki
Materials Needed to Craft Kiryoki's Splitstaff
- Leather Cord x2
- Ingot x3
- Wood x2
- Kiryoki Mane x1
Kiryoki's Splitstaff Notes & Trivia
- See Blacksmith to understand weapon inheritance and properties.
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The awakening voices for this weapon are as follows: - Filthy yokai! I'll slay every last one of you! - Both my mother and father were devoured by yokai... I'll avenge them by having your heads! - I would've died a dog's death if a clan of yokai hunters hadn't saved me. I do this for them! - I don't need to be purified! I just need...need to kill more filthy yokai... - Kill... Hate... Yokai...must...die...