Quality Lacquer |
Type | Smithing Materials |
Quality Lacquer is a Smithing Material in Nioh 2. Smithing Materials are used by blacksmiths to forge and/or upgrade various Weapons and Armor. These materials can be obtained in various ways, such as rewards from completing Missions, dropped by Enemies, Bosses, randomly looted at various locations, or it can also be found inside chests.
Quality Lacquer Information
Quality lacquer that was carefully refined by heating and filtering the sap of the lacquer tree. Resistant to moisture and oxidation, it is widely used as a surface treatment for a variety of products, including dining ware and furniture. It is particularly useful for items with many moving parts, such as bows or armor.
Quality Lacquer Usage
- A forging material used by blacksmiths
Quality Lacquer Required Material for Crafting
- Lacquer x10
Quality Lacquer Location/Where to Find
- Dropped by ??
- Found at ??
- Sold by ??
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