Master of Illusion Set |
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(2 Items) Ninjutsu Damage (Unscathed) 10% (3 Items) Ninjutsu Power +48 (4 Items) Faster Ki Recovery (Ninjutsu Used) (5 Items) Untouched Ninjutsu +15.0% (6 items) Damage Bonus (Ninjutsu Power) AAA- (6+ Items) Empowered Ninjutsu B+ |
Master of Illusion is a Set in Nioh 2. The Master of Illusion Set provides various special benefits to players: the more pieces you equip from one set, the stronger the bonuses. Some sets are comprised of armor only, but others have armor and weapons, making for sets that have up to 7 bonuses.
In Way of the Nioh, Ethereal versions of the set will gain an additional bonus when you reach the final tier of bonuses, denoted as (X+ Items); see Set Bonuses for more details.
Master of Illusion Information
- Type: Light Armor Set
- Set Requirements:
Where to find
- Drops from:
- This armor set can be crafted after presenting the Smithing Text: Flying Kato's Attire to the Blacksmith.
- Dropped by Kato Danzo in Way of the Ninja: Veteran
- Craft With:
- Example
- Example
Set Pieces
This set has 6 pieces only, the armor is called "Flying Kato". The pieces do not have additional fixed effects.
- Swift Hawk -
Flying Kato's Mask -
Flying Kato's Robes -
Flying Kato's Gauntlets -
Flying Kato's Waistguard -
Flying Kato's Greaves -
Notes & Builds
- This is one of the higher overall damage sets in the game. The Ninjutsu power damage bonus is global and applies to every attack you do, be it Ninjutsu items, Melee, Ranged weapon attacks, Yokai Abilities or even Onmyo Magic. The downside is this set has one of the lowest toughness ratings in the entire game, so blocking many attacks are more risky than for even other light armor sets, and until endgame the sword doesn't scale with dexterity, the stat you want to invest the most in.
- This set gains a lot from several changes in endgame: I higher cap for Skill and Dexterity and thus a higher possible Ninjutsu Power rating, Ninjutsu Power being a star effect roll for even more, Transform Bonus allowing you to use the sword with this set to it's fullest potential, and several really strong Ethereal Grace options that play well whether you us this for melee or Ninjutsu damage. Special note goes to Marici's Grace and Omoikane's Grace for the ninjutsu.
- Anonymous
Drops from golden castle and dreams end missions as well not sure about the sword
- Anonymous
Mad fun build with some added grace Love is a Powerhouse of a Glasscannon. Get longer invi frames while dodging ability somewhere ^^
- Anonymous
Whole set (weapon & armor) can drop even on NG. It might just take a few tries..
- Anonymous
does having high luck increase your drop rate for books wtih Kato?
- Anonymous
drops from Way of the Ninja: Veteran dojo mission, low drop rate
I'm on the wall about even farming for the smithing texts since every other revenant already drops this gear